Just got back from the vet...Cookie tore her ACL, on Wednesday morning. She must have been jumping up a tree chasing squirrels or birds. I am bummed....we go to the surgeon Monday morning for a consult, but our vet said it will cost $1500-$2000. We don't need that right now, and now that I read some of the posts, this is not uncommon and could happen again and could require physical therapy...Judi

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Comment by Cookie Y. on April 29, 2010 at 3:46pm
cookie had surgery in 2009 for one rear knee and the other just a few weeks ago. Please reply with any questions...Cookie is doing great now.
Comment by Jill Usher on April 29, 2010 at 12:55pm
Judi...send me a message. Jake just had surgery on Tuesday April 27th for complete CCL tear and meniscus needed to be removed. I'd be happy to discuss everything with you.

Good luck! Jill
Comment by Cookie Y. on May 3, 2009 at 10:13pm
Although we don't actually know what happened (it happened in our back yard), we know when it happened. So, yes, it was sudden, but because her legs are short, the limp was hardly noticeable. We waited for 2 days before taking her to the vet, and the vet knew right away that it was an ACL tear, but it was the surgeon who noticed "clicking", which meant there was also a meniscus tear.
Comment by Susan Stanton on April 29, 2009 at 10:34pm
What were the symptoms of the ACL tear? Was it a sudden, traumatic limping? My pup is having trouble with a rear leg, and although I will go talk to a vet, am trying to figure out what it might be in the meantime.
Comment by Cookie Y. on April 17, 2009 at 10:34pm
When Cori tore his ACL, how bad was it? I think that the vet thinks that Cookie's ACL snapped all the way.
What is freestyle, T-touch?
Comment by Karen Stasky on April 17, 2009 at 8:18pm
my boy Cori tore his acl when he was 3-because he was a VERY active boy, I chose not to do the surgery-it would have been impossible to keep him down for the extensive recovery time-he is now 11 and yes, he does have a little arthritis, but we still do aglility and he is still very active-we did do alot of therapy, adjustments, freesytle (great therapy) and massage with T-touch-
Comment by Karen Stasky on April 17, 2009 at 8:12pm
My guy in the photo, Cori, tore his acl when he was 3 years old. Because he was a VERY active boy it would have been impossilble to keep him down for the extensive recovery-and I chose not to have the surgery done-that was 8 years ago and, yes, he has arthitis but he is 11 now and we still play at agility-we did do alot of therapy-adjustments, freestyle and just gave him time to recover-it worked for him and he is still very active!
Comment by Alice on April 17, 2009 at 7:09pm
My father in laws Pembroke had the same thing happen. They went ahead with the surgery because he is 2 years old and very active and it would have been torture to have to restrict his activity. The vet said if you do not have the surgery, the dog will likely develop arthritis within a couple years. The good news is, that leg will be like a robo leg after the surgery and shouldn't be injured very easily. The bad news is there is a good chance it will happen to the other leg at some point in time and the recovery time after the surgery is brutal. His Pem put on a lot of weight during that time due to lack of exercise. Sorry it had to happen. I know it's a lot of money to spend. :(

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