Soooo, this is what I came home to the other day, my doggies got into the pantry while I was gone (where I also store paper towels and TP)…
Then after an apparent sugar high from all the food they stole/ate/scattered everywhere just for the heck of it… they broke out of the baby gate into the hall and bedroom!!
I guess they like Dr. Pepper, they chewed the lid loose and drank half of the 2 liter…
Then they took the ‘party’ into my bedroom…
I guess Bandit was claiming the Potato chips as his for later, since he ‘marked’ them with a puddle… (sighhhhh)
The disaster continues…
Really??!! Allllllll around the bed too???!!
Chew on Laptop cord: check
Chew apart heating pad: check
‘Mark’ Bandits ‘artwork’: check
Corgis for Sale…. LOL (OK, not really....)

Views: 1508


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Comment by Lindsay, Fae, and Jimmy on March 18, 2013 at 9:28pm

Wow, just wow, think I will just keep crating Fae after all! :)

Comment by Aber, Ragnar and Kelso on October 16, 2011 at 11:22pm
Wow, this makes our little terrorists, I mean adorable boys, look like angels!
Comment by Ralphie & Sue on September 24, 2011 at 9:55pm
Wow!  Corgis gone wild! :)  At least they didn't get into the liquor cabinet those little party animals.  Thanks for sharing! This is quite awesome and gave me quite a chuckle.
Comment by Elyse & Caese on August 15, 2011 at 7:25pm
Oh my gosh! Those little rascals! I can obviously look on it and giggle and maybe you can now but wow not a scene you want to walk in to after a long day at work! I'm glad they're okay and didn't ingest anything harmful.
Comment by Giselle on March 24, 2011 at 11:54am
This looks like a mess my old great dane used to make!!!!!! Naughty puppies!!
Comment by Taffy (corgi is Hercules) on March 4, 2011 at 4:40pm
Looked this up after seeing your snowman post. Thanks for the post, awesome.
Comment by JDR on March 1, 2011 at 1:01am
o my geez!!!! did they even look guilty???
Comment by Caesar & Molly on February 27, 2011 at 12:51pm
Caesar is looking at me and saying "now that shoe I chewed doesn't look so bad, eh mom?" wooooooooow.... just wooooow. I cannot even begin to imagine finding this!
Comment by Peggy Woods on February 22, 2011 at 2:08pm

oh my... I am mopping up a puddle of tears from laughing so hard.

My dad had a whippet (rightly) named Bandit also. Dad came home to a large throw pillow completely disembowelled and a whippet in the middle of the stuffing pile...

Thanks for sharing your humorous misery :)

Comment by Ace and Jen on February 16, 2011 at 5:49am
Wow I thought Ace's minor tissue chewing was an issue but your guys are Grade Demolition crew

Now they dont do Clean up do they?

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