Mia is a one year old little corgi. She was born on July 1st 2009. She is very loving and sweet and just LOVES to play ball. She loves to cuddle and be close to her owner. She is crate trained and house broken. She is very well behaved. Mia is very sweet but is shy around new people, dogs and surroundings. She is AKC pedigree and is spayed. She has had all her shots but will be needing her yearly vet visit soon. She would do best in a single dog home or with another corgi (preferably male). I do not know how she would do with small children but seems to do ok with older ones. Her owner had to take a job as an over the road driver and he can't keep her anymore. She needs a new home. She is currently in central Florida. If you are interested call Hank at 352-308-4206, if he doesn't answer leave a message. He is willing to let her go without a fee for the perfect home.
Here she is (center) with My dogs Emma and Jack.
Mia when she was a little younger
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