So since Winston lives at my boyfriends house, I'm always over there. Since I'm always there, I always see lots of people taking their dogs on walks. His neighborhood is a pretty highly dog-populated neighborhood (unlike mine, where we can't have ANY fences except for an electrical fence, because of stupid "rules" or whatever... But anyways. Since Winston's moved in, I've seen a lot of corgis in the neighborhood! There's even a new puppy. There's a Cardigan named Oreo, a Pembroke named Tank, and a few others. I know some have been there for a while but has anyone else noticed corgis more often since they got one? I never saw any in Dublin until I got Winston, now I see them everywhere!

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Comment by Lauren + Winston on January 1, 2009 at 1:31am
My parents never really wanted a dog... I tried my best to make sure Winston was the best dog ever but he was still just a pup.. So they said either he moved into my boyfriends or they got rid of him and I would never see him again... I'm over at my boyfriends every day though and Winston and I have sleepovers at my house the nights before I have a day off so we can spend all day together. I'm planning on moving out in a couple months so hopefully he and I will be together again. It's really rough. I still cry sometimes when I have to leave my boyfriends :\ I feel like I'm abandoning him.

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