I swear, in the 4 years we've owned Lola, I've seen maybe 3 Corgis in my town. In the past 2 weeks, I've seen 4! And 3 of them were in the last 2 days!! Not that I'm complaining... who doesn't love a dog that can double as a walking Twinkie??? 

I think our Governor might have something to do with it... Sutter the Corgi. Looks like he's using his Corgi to help out with the state's debt. GO CORGI POWERS!!!! ;)

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Comment by Don on March 16, 2011 at 9:24am

Yup, and as a side note that the AKC has mentioned that Corgi's are near what they classify as breed endagerment. So, yah this a win-win really...

Let's bring back both Corgi breeds in the only way we know how to...Corgi Style...Woot.

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