lol so it seems real recently i have been running into more and more corgi owners.. I ran into Mary and Rosie recently

I found out a girl in my Asian Ball Joint Doll Meet ups has a boy a year younger then ace ^_^

and I just found out my Photography teacher has two :D

lol it was funny today i was like "wait you can bring your dogs to class?" she was all shhhh and i was like owo could i bring mine? and she was like what is yours? and i was like a corgi :D and she was like :D YAY! I have 2!


on the Ace front >w< He has this fat cat toy we found (its a dog toy made by the Fat Cat company) and i have been putting peanut butter in it XD he thinks its the most wonderful thing lol
He also doesnt like my cousin XD; either that or he thinks hes really fun to bark at and run XD;
He has a tennis ball he will randomly pick up and play with by himself.. growling in his own little corner with it LOL

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Comment by Amber and Kirby on September 29, 2011 at 8:42pm

there is a sudden influx of corgis here too, makes me worry about where they are all coming from, there was an ad on Craigslist selling corgi pups, and the mom of said pups. pretty sad ad


Comment by Ace and Jen on September 29, 2011 at 5:49pm
honestly there are more Jack Russels and Boxers and Labs here where i live but it seems more lately i am running into corgi people *i dont stay locally alot LOL*
and FredG when I got Ace Last Year it was the same for me lol "I never seen a baby corgi before" lol but i know there are few that live locally My Teacher lives in Vancouver i believe so it was awesome XD;
and the gal at my doll meet lives in Portland ish area which is like 45-an hour away XD

but im noticing since i got Ace more n more corgi owners are around :D
Comment by Alison Prasavath on September 29, 2011 at 3:43pm
I know there are people in Salem with corgi's, but I don't see them too often. When I do, I get so excited. That is why my husband and I look forward to the corgi walk because we get to see TONS of adorable corgi's. The most prevelant dog in my neighborhood is the golden retriever. I think every other house owns one (or more). 
Comment by LaRissa L. Head on September 29, 2011 at 2:03pm
I've noticed the same thing here in Michigan. They are still more rare than most dog breeds out and about, but there has been a general rise in sightings this last year.
Comment by FredG and Dixie on September 29, 2011 at 10:05am
Must be something with your part of the USA. Here in the DC-MD-VA area I see more labs, pugs, boston terriers, and bull dogs than corgis. In fact whenever I take Dixie for a walk the most common comment I hear is, "I've never seen a baby corgi before."

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