Ace and Jen's Blog (138)

Long time no visit/ Booties

So its been a while since I have logged on here :< sorry everyone.

alot has happened in the new year..alot of it dealing with medical appointment/visits to the ER for me :( lucky I have an amazing trooper of a service corgi like Ace who's only disagreement through it all was when I left him in the room with my best friend/roommate while i went to get chest x-rays..

he has been attending school with me and literally goes everywhere with me :) makes me feel so lucky to…


Added by Ace and Jen on March 3, 2014 at 2:13pm — 1 Comment


So this wont be until March(ish) 

A couple friends and I are planning on a fun vacation down to Florida come March(ish) and of course Ace will be going with me.

We are going from Oregon to Florida and i was wondering how well Ace will hold up there..

He seemed to do wonderful in Oklahoma but there is that Chance that I dont want him getting heat exhaustion or anything.

If I could get some input it would be greatly appreciated.

(Ace is my Service dog so…


Added by Ace and Jen on June 23, 2013 at 4:35am — 2 Comments

Oklahoma Travel (image heavy xD)

on a lighter note of my last Blog

Ace and i spent the last month in Oklahoma~

We went to a Retreat in Eagle Creek, Oregon. Which Ace spent the whole time running up and down stairs which we had to put an end to the last day and cut back his walking as much as possible because he ran himself to the point of having a form of roadrash in his pits from the…


Added by Ace and Jen on June 1, 2013 at 1:29am — 6 Comments

Frustrating ugh

For those of you who dont know

This is Ace

Ace has been my service dog for well over a year now

and I have had my wonderful ups since he has become one.

but with the ups there are the Downs, and its not HIS FAULT!

its society!

like my family (not the ones im living with THANK GOD) my Grandfather will not let Ace in the…


Added by Ace and Jen on June 1, 2013 at 12:29am — 2 Comments

The Birthday Boy~

Lol Ace's birthday isnt until Saturday but we had it a few days in advanced so our MyCorgi friends (Mary and Rosie on here) could come :) 

So Last night after i got home i made doggy friendly cuppycakes for the dogs at the dogpark and moms friend made doggy cookies to go with it~

sorry for the mess Ace's toys and junk were in that corner and thats his…


Added by Ace and Jen on October 25, 2012 at 9:45pm — 8 Comments

Dr Ace

Saturday night started off wonderful~ 

Ace and I were out at a friends house and we were watching movies and chatting.. then suddenly this horrible pain shot into my side and wouldnt stop.. it ended up in me loosing everything i had ate several times.. the whole while i hear ace sniffing the other side of the door and pacing.. i told my friend i was gonna go take a shower in hopes it would feel better.. Ace fallowed me up stairs and i never made it to the shower.. instead i laid on the…


Added by Ace and Jen on August 27, 2012 at 2:48pm — 2 Comments

Corgi Walk in the Pearl District

Was our first time this year :D

I was slightly excited and nervous at the same time lol

Ace was nervous as well.. he kinda.. froze when he saw the amount of Corgis there was

that was until he saw puppies and decided 'Oh This is great' lol

He also got excited due to Seeing our Fellow MyCorgi friends Mary and Rosie :D

Ace was all eeeee when he saw Rosie and decided that everything was ok once his Buddy showed up :)

He played with a few other corgis and…


Added by Ace and Jen on August 19, 2012 at 3:09pm — 3 Comments

A Bone-i-fied Celebrity

So Ace has been going with me this whole term to school and its going WONDERFUL.. My social anxiety has seemed to cease and Ace seems to be LOVING all the attention he is getting~

First Day of Ceramics my teacher came up to me and asked a few questions because i has sent him as well as my two biology teachers an email about me having a service dog and to make sure he would be safe in their class~ first thing he did was walk up in front of the class and state 'Alright everyone…


Added by Ace and Jen on August 6, 2012 at 2:35pm — 5 Comments

Puppy Blues and Sore Paws

Im getting that feeling i got almost 4 years ago... it was what started with me wanting to get Ace.. i refer to it as puppy blues.. and part of me thinks its because I miss buffy and i miss the fact of there being 2! Dogs in the house.. not to mention i feel bad for Ace being left at home with no one to play with while im at School.. I cant take him with me to School with me right now for his safety's sake.. Chemistry Lab and Biology labs... I know they make safety goggles for dogs.. buuut…


Added by Ace and Jen on May 20, 2012 at 2:39pm — 2 Comments

Hello~ Update and Costume help

As of tomorrow it will have been a week since i lost my dearest sister Buffy.. At first Ace didnt seem effected by it.. then he became extremely clingy.. and then looked for her..

But brightness has lightened up the week as Ace's service vest arrived :D <3

he LOVES it and got all sorts of prideful trotting around with it on.. he is officially a service dog now. and today he went straight into work mode as i wasnt feeling well at all and he knew it.. and was…


Added by Ace and Jen on April 19, 2012 at 1:52am — 4 Comments

Passing of a Dear one

Its’ very difficult to say

What all you’ve done for me,

All the places we would go

The things that we did see.

The joys we shared,

The tears we shed,

The lives we touched,

The lives we led.

Though others try to fill the space

Your leaving me has made,

There’s none can ever take your…


Added by Ace and Jen on April 6, 2012 at 1:46am — 17 Comments

The Brave Little Corgi and Thunderstroms~

So Oregon Weather has been rather.. Odd.. 

off and On our Spring has been Winter and our Winter was Spring.. and Yesterday.. well There was a ROYAL Thunderstorm that came on out of the Blue.. poor Ace doesnt like it when the wind rattles the house and sits by the door Growling as if someone was coming lol

the Wind Turned to Rain and then the Flash of lights light up the sky and low rumbles were heard.. he was ok with the Rumbles but then there was a BRIGHT flash and not even…


Added by Ace and Jen on April 2, 2012 at 3:33am — 3 Comments

Vet trip

Though this trip wasnt for Ace

it was for Fatty and Sunshine.. my two orange kitties that are littermates tot he one that passed before christmas..

turns out all is well though i will be doing blood draws for them next week

Sunshine has an ear infection and Fatty just has dirty ears.. all over it was a good visit..

Poor Buffy fell in the turned over compressed wading pool of Ace's though how it got back into the yard im not sure... but her poor backend got…


Added by Ace and Jen on January 20, 2012 at 7:51pm — No Comments


lol a Corgis best friend is this white stuff XD this is the first time Ace has gotten to play in snow that was deeper then him XD he LOVES IT

lol these were taken in the place under a tree lol i didnt get pics of him in…


Added by Ace and Jen on January 18, 2012 at 2:20pm — 3 Comments

Bummed news

Found out the Photography class i had been hoping to go to got canceled because not enough attendies ): makes me sad yo

Ace always went to class with me ):  Im gonna be keeping an eye out for that class for Spring term because i absolutely loved it XD;

I have 3 hobbies.. Ace, Asian Ball Joint Dolls and Photography ^_^; though i guess Anime Cons is another Hobby XD; FAIL!

lol but ya im totally Bummed because Ace would get excited when I would Say "Go See Kathy?" lol…


Added by Ace and Jen on January 5, 2012 at 3:28am — No Comments

Ghost Kitty?

I feel like im going crazy but i SWEAR there is now a Ghost kitty here.. and im Sure it is Alexial.. please dont tell me im crazy but the other day i went out onto the porch getting something and as i crouched down i saw a kitty run passed me.. i look over and the 5 cats we have are sitting there staring at me like what are you doing!

I kinda put it in the back of my mind and was like nah.. then.. today i was in the kitchen and Kiki was crouched next to the stove with another kitty…


Added by Ace and Jen on January 2, 2012 at 1:36am — 6 Comments

Ring in the New Year

So .. the family is doing better.. I still have moments of break downs but thats to be expected since its only been 2 weeks.. 

Ace has been a little mopey.. but he enjoyed his Christmas lol mom wrapped him a present and told me he HAD to open it

I have a video I will upload soon of it its WAY to cute >w<; heh

Im excited about the new years :)

Ace has been rather Growl-y recently.. any noise he hears outside he runs over to the door, sits, tilts his head, then…


Added by Ace and Jen on December 30, 2011 at 3:23am — 1 Comment

Sad Yet Merry

I am Excited for Christmas yet sad at the same time.. a week ago i lost my Princess Alexial.. 

But this will be my 2nd Christmas with Ace.

Mom and I have Decided since the randomness of Alexials death came we are taking her two litter mates we still have in for a heart check and what not.. Im terrified to lose anyone else..

Ace seems a little lost as well since it was his kitty friend that passed away.. and from what mom said that Fatty and Sunny (Alexials Brother and…


Added by Ace and Jen on December 25, 2011 at 2:57am — 2 Comments


So i dont know if any of you know i have 6 cats.. as well as Buffy and Ace..

the 3 Younger Orange ones will be moving out with me when i leave home..

Well now it is 2

Ace's Buddy Alexial Passed I think Thursday night...

Thursday was the usual I had my finals came home hung out with my parents and the like then At Night when dadsready to go to bed the cats get locked up upstairs for the night then released first thing in the morning.. they tend to knock stuff down at night so…


Added by Ace and Jen on December 19, 2011 at 4:23pm — 4 Comments

Fun time in store

lol Just need his blankie packed and a few more of my clothes :D but Ace and I are going on an Adventure out to Corbett Or until Wednesday 

Just got to finish doing laundry and Dishes.. tomorrow when i wake up im going to clean the cat box

then its off to Corbett and awesome fun time with my best friend and our dogs :) Ace will love it because he gets to play with his Best Dog Friends Starlet (Chihuahua) and Abby (fox terrier mix)

lol those three together are freaking…


Added by Ace and Jen on December 16, 2011 at 10:31pm — 1 Comment

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