I feel like im going crazy but i SWEAR there is now a Ghost kitty here.. and im Sure it is Alexial.. please dont tell me im crazy but the other day i went out onto the porch getting something and as i crouched down i saw a kitty run passed me.. i look over and the 5 cats we have are sitting there staring at me like what are you doing!

I kinda put it in the back of my mind and was like nah.. then.. today i was in the kitchen and Kiki was crouched next to the stove with another kitty next to her.. the other kitty stood up did the little turn things they did and walked over to the sink like she was going to hide under the stool i walked into the kitchen more the say hi to the kitty but there was no kitty and the only way out of there is over the counter which i would have noticed or right passed me which i would have noticed...

I feel silly about it but ya x.x;;

Is it possible she is still here or am i going nuts O~O;

Ace is going under home therapy lol there are things that he has become nervous towards.. Ring boxes being one of them.. we are training him how to close it so where he realizes its not scary :) started with the 'Pound it' trick i tauht him.. then everytime he 'Pounded it' i would say "Close it' so he was doing really good but he barks at it and lip licks like he does when nervous 

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Comment by Yuki & Ellie on January 3, 2012 at 9:25am

My cat passed away years ago when she was 16 years old.  I was still in high school at the time and my mother and I both saw her on many occasions for about three years.  We would see her curled on her favorite chair at the kitchen table or wandering in the house.  We even tripped ourselves a time or two thinking we were about to step on her, even though she obviously wasn't there.  In the beginning I thought it was just my mind filling in the blanks because I was used to seeing her, but three years was a bit long for my mind to be doing that.  I chalk it up to the cat keeping an eye on us to make sure we were ok.  ;)

Comment by Ace and Jen on January 2, 2012 at 7:20pm

Im so thankful no one thinks im crazy ^_^ <3

I know she is in a great place.. but I still feel like its still a dream x.x 

Comment by Judith Andre on January 2, 2012 at 7:14pm

There are some things that are not easily explained.  I live in a building that is over one hundred years old and has an interesting past...first a brothel and then the City Mission for 75 years ( now totally remodeled by me into an art gallery, studios, and apartments ).  There have been some unexplainable events over the years.  I think there is definitely left over energy from those who have passed on.  Maybe we'll figure it out when we join them.

Comment by Rachael & Waffle on January 2, 2012 at 2:20pm

My 21 year old cat died of lymphoma when I was at girl scout camp one summer.  I didn't get to say goodbye to him the day he died.  When I got home from camp and was in bed that night, my door creaked open and I felt a cat jump on my bed and nestle between my legs.  I thought it was our other cat, and I sat up to pet him and there wasn't anything there.  I firmly believe that was my old kitty hanging out one last time. You're not crazy, just go with it. ;)

Comment by Jane Christensen on January 2, 2012 at 10:30am

I also believe in  life after death and have had experiences with animals after they have passed. Yes, it could be.

Comment by Jennifer Markley on January 2, 2012 at 9:41am

You know, I totally believe in life after death.  I have personally had experiences that I can't explain, and I believe that our animals go to the same place we do.  I have no doubt that it very well may be your beloved Alexial, coming to let you know that everything is all right, and that they are letting you know that they are happy and well. :-)

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