Found out the Photography class i had been hoping to go to got canceled because not enough attendies ): makes me sad yo

Ace always went to class with me ):  Im gonna be keeping an eye out for that class for Spring term because i absolutely loved it XD;

I have 3 hobbies.. Ace, Asian Ball Joint Dolls and Photography ^_^; though i guess Anime Cons is another Hobby XD; FAIL!

lol but ya im totally Bummed because Ace would get excited when I would Say "Go See Kathy?" lol he loved my teacher XP Hopefully it will there spring term but at the same time I will have more time to work on my Japanese, Math and Psychology :( was really hoping for the uber fun Photography class XD; oh well

speaking of Ace lol mom likes to buy him Acorn Squash JUST FOR HIM.. Doctor Middle said pumpkin/squash is good for dogs with Bad gas XD; and Ace with some Taste of the Wild Flavors will get really bad gas so we dont buy them but there is still the occassions of BAD GAS BOY lol but he LOVES Acorn Squash. when it gets tot he point he has chewed to the middle i chop it in half, scrap out the seeds then give him the half he chewed off the most then chop up the other half into smaller pieces ziplock it and store it in the fridge for later lol

Buffy Did the cutest thing Yesterday morning.. i let the dogs out for a potty break yesterday afternoon.. and Buffy is Partially blind.. she cant see whats in front of her.. we think she sees shadows but thats it.. lol but we have a pine tree in thr front yard and it drops these limbs that are pretty thin and it curves.. well her right paw cleared it and she didnt know it was there and when heer right paw came down it stepped ont he branch causing it to rock coming up and almost tripping her.. her left front paw hit it and she backed up for round two and did a windmill motion like she was stepping over a huge rock XD it was to cute <3 and then she high stepped it to the sidewalk.. after this adventure i let her inside and me and Ace did recon on the yard clearing debris XD; poor old lady i love her to pieces she does such the cutest things because of her disabilities ^_^ I just wish i could teach Ace not to trip her x.x;; the whole Corgi Tripping Hazzard applies to other dogs as well XP

She kept fallowing me all over the place yesterday like a puppy it made me chuckle..

i cant believe she is 15 sometimes because of how she acts but thats Golden Retrievers (and GR Mixes in Buffys case) for you lol Puppy's tillt eh end ^_^

Saturday will be week 3 without Alexial and it seems the house has calmed. Its something i can talk about now and not cry. Though i dont talk with Dad about it.. because he is still a little off about it.. the 15th will bring money and tomorrow Im gonna set up a Vet appointment for the 2 orange cats to make sure if it was a heart attack in Alexials case I want to make sure the other two will be ok... Might Bring Ace in as well to get him his shots if he needs them and a doctors note saying Buffy wont need her shots lol 

Dr Middle told mom a year or two ago that Buffy is an Elderly old lady who is NOT an outdoors dog so she WONT need to get the annual yearly shot and will have an excuse on her records so she can get her license renewed without said shot :) and it will be the first year i wont be paying for Scrappys Cuz he is now in a Home of his own lolthat he shares the weekends every so often with Ace and i XD;


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