Pixel+Rocky=happy dogs and humans
I've had my second corgi for a little over a week now, and things are going great. Rocky stopped caring if she eats his food (I never dreamed this would happen) and often plays keep away with all of his favorite toys.

What's the best thing about having two corgis, you ask?
Having two corgis is awesome. They play, they frap, and they sleep. Someone on this website once said "tired corgis are good corgis." Truer words were never typed. Granted, I've had two dogs for only a little more than a week.

Reminder: puppies are hella-cute
I forgot how fun and fuzzy puppies are. Pixel, aka Pixie, feels as soft as a kitten. Her paws are way too big, and she sounds like a gremlin when she tries to growl. I can't help but laugh at her feeble attempts at being bossy with my adult corgi, Rocky. The two spend most of the day biting each other's faces.

Final thoughts
In the coming weeks, I will be getting to the frustrating puppy stages, and with that I am sure that I will start regretting making the decision to go through the training stage again. But at the end of every day, I will have two dogs that greet me with love every time I come home from work. Regardless of how frustrating it will be, I will love every minute of having two corgis.

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Comment by Brittany Nelson on June 24, 2010 at 5:11pm
I want to get another corgi in the future.
Comment by Rockstar on June 23, 2010 at 8:15pm
I lived alone for the last puppy stage. My husband was deployed, so there were times when I was sad, depressed, and lonely that made the puppy too much for me to handle. I don't think it will be the same this time
Comment by Carol Rea on June 23, 2010 at 8:03pm
I have never regretted having two at a time! Oh, for the puppy stage again! We haven't had a puppy for over 10 years and I still miss that tiny little bundle. Good luck! Carol

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