Cryptorchidism is the absence of one or both testes from the scrotum. It is the most common birth defect regarding male genitalia. ...


Explains the Cause and Treatment Of Cryptorchidism In Dogs And Cats.


My male corgi Riley had exploratory surgery when he was 8 months old to find both testicles which had not descended.   Here I have been through this all of this and did not have a name for this birth dumb am I !!!   Perhaps, there is someone else out there in doggyland that could benefit from this information as much as I have.   Our vet did not once mention this defect by Cryptorchidism...just undescended or retained.   So there you are, lack of knowledge on my part.

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Comment by Sarah K on February 17, 2011 at 8:56pm
We have two male pembrokes, adopted from a mill situation. The breeder couldn't figure out why they ''weren't making puppies''. BOTH males were cryptorchid. I wondered why she didn't tip them over & take a look--but hey, common sense isn't common these days. We had them neutered & the vet did what was neccesary to find the 'lost' articles. One male had an interesting complication--he was allergic to the internal stitches & swole up like a balloon. Lotsa steroids & antihistamines later--he's turning into a fairly nice dog, albeit-dog aggressive.
Comment by Elizabeth on February 17, 2011 at 5:36pm

Oh, don't ever think you are lacking (or dumb)!  My vet would never use the medical terminology with me either; I just stumbled upon it searching around online.  I thought it'd be better for "search" purposes if I used the term in the title of my recent (same topic) discussion.  Thank you for posting, btw.

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