So I think I might start making these for people on here. I've gotten a lot of good input on my corgi key chain that I made. I made a Corgi key chain for myself, & I think it turned out VERY cute. They are made out of chip proof clay. Painted with acrylic paint & covered with a air drying glaze. they are all hand made by me & painted by me. the paint/glaze MAY chip over time OR ruff ware & tare. But the clay will not chip. I can add anything to the corgi key chain if asked ( ball, bone, butterfly..or whatever ) Tell me what color you want the Collar to be OR i will pick a color for you. I can do tri colors & any color fur, Just got to send me a good picture of your pup, front & back so i can make it look as close to your dog as i can.

I think i might be selling them for $10-$15 dollars.. (( Still setting up stuff for making them, got to get a paypal & find out how much it will be to ship them to you guys )) ** If you live in Washington state & close to me ( I am in the Spanaway/Puyallup area ) i could drop it off to you. but shipping i have to figured out how to get things together then i can get them out to you guys **

~ Will keep you updated!! :D I PROMISE! because i know there isn't that many Corgi things in the pet stores. i know I've looked. I've only found books, and one lame looking key chain so i figured.. I love art & i can do lots of cute art stuff so why not make Cute Corgi things myself :D this way i can also custom the art to other people too.

I love to share my art so why not make art for others too. :D I can draw pics of corgi's too i have a couple in my photo's in my page.

Views: 367


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Comment by Juel on July 29, 2009 at 8:49pm
very cute!
Comment by Melanie Fischer on July 29, 2009 at 8:37pm
Thank you guys. :D If you want to add me to friends ill will surly keep everyone up to date :D
Comment by DR, Nala & Simon on July 29, 2009 at 8:33pm
They look great!!! You are very good. Keep us posted.

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