Dear Weeders

Miss Daisy spent a peaceful night in her recliner chair nest in the bedroom wif all the rest of us fambly. She rested well and is enjoying her special foods . . .Momma boughted her a bunch of baby food so she will not have to chew anything tough. Glad there is special foods like dat! We wants to do eberyfing possible so dat she will heal pwoperly.

Me and Riley, whom Momma hasn't interduced pwoperly yet cuz of all the busyness around here lately, we iz respektful of Daisy an' don't bover her at all. Since we iz bofe two yrs old, we has lotsa fun fwapping in da yard an' house. Momma likes to watch us run and run and run. She sez dat "a tired dog iz a good dog," whitch she sez we are excellent eggzamples of.

Thank you, dear weeders, for your thoughts, pwayers an' email/comment notez. We all appreciates them more than you kan knows.

SpokesDog for Miss Daisy, leaving his typer thingie till my next Daisy Update

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