Our sweet little Dodger has been having a rough day today. It started out pretty good or so I had thought. Within less than an hour it went SPLAT. First, Dodger became very confused when Jonathan decided to switch his routine (bad idea, the ninny) by not letting him go out onto the balcony anymore, but switching him to being hooked on a leash and walked around the neighborhood. He didn't like the harness (threw a huge fit acting like it was the worst invention ever), but slowly adjusted to having a collar on. Well Dodger was confused and refuses to go any further than a few blocks away from our home or even go back to our home. He also lost all remembrance of his name today except for a times when playing. The next exciting thing that happened today, Dodger decided to roll around in his own pee and almost flopped into the door (mini heart attack when that almost happened). So of course I rubbed him down and praised him for being such a good and sweet boy (hoping that would make some of a difference). Brought him in and gave him a bath (he doesn't like water, go figure). The final event that has happened today has been quite a surprise. I found fleas on Dodger! We were assured that he didn't have any fleas when we brought him home (his breeder had given him a bath the day we picked him up and he's had weekly visits to the vet and I had thought all of his scratching had been caused by dandruff due to the fact that I found dandruff on him), but I ended up pulling four fleas off of him. So off to the tub for bath number two and of course, he didn't want to have another bath (this time once he was dried he came out twice as fluffier than the last time, it was so cute) but he got one anyway. After his bath I had taken him outside so he could start his new schedule and he almost falls into a wasps nest (yes a wasps nest on the ground, mind blown for the day). However, he made a friend with a nice little pug from our one neighbor and it turns out the lady use to be a pet sitter for corgis! Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for him.

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Comment by Teresa Gilpin on August 6, 2013 at 5:26pm

Poor Dodger!  I hope tomorrow is a better day.  (just glad he didn't get stung by any wasps!!!)

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