Autumn and Jonathan's Blog (20)

It's Been A While...

Since I did an update or even really spoke much for that matter.

It has finally come down to the wire. We thought we were going to be moved in to the new home by January, but now it seems like moving in to the new house in February is going to be the ultimate conclusion. The apartment is mostly empty now and we have only a few more items left to remove from the apartment and the precious cargo of course.

Dodger now has become full aware that there are windows. And…


Added by Autumn and Jonathan on January 25, 2015 at 12:31pm — 2 Comments

A Life and Corgi Update

Hello ladies and gents! It's been quite a while since I've been on here. I just wanted to give everyone an update on what has been going on and why I've been missing for what seems like forever. For starters, my husband came home from deployment back in July so I was wrapped up for two months, enjoying his company before he went back to work. I also started working two jobs so they have been keeping me quite busy. But as of…


Added by Autumn and Jonathan on October 15, 2014 at 10:28am — 8 Comments

Dodger Meets Kisa

So I had a very eventful Friday last week. I ended up rescuing three abandoned kittens that some jerk face decided to leave by the dumpster while I was taking Dodger out to do his morning business. I didn't think people could get any worse. The kittens were in bad shape. One has already been re-homed and I have been rehabilitating the most emaciated of the group. Kisa had a split nostril and after tending to it, the split has finally been healing. Of course, my husband wasn't too happy…


Added by Autumn and Jonathan on May 21, 2014 at 4:00pm — 3 Comments

Attention ALL VA, WV, and Washington DC area corgi members!

I don't know what the rules are for posting a much needed rescue, but this little guy really deserves it!

He's a Welsh corgi mix. I filled out an application the other day and I just checked my mail and got the reply that they couldn't consider my application because I wasn't in the Washington DC area! He's the cutest…


Added by Autumn and Jonathan on April 28, 2014 at 6:30pm — 2 Comments

Possible New Addition To The Family

  I know this isn't corgi related that much, but this does affect Dodger, but I did want to share this. So a good friend had contacted me late last night about an urgent matter. She knows I run my own business and she knows I take part in a lot of stuff that involve helping out shelters and getting pit bulls adopted out. So she contacted me and she was very upset and frantic and she begged me to help out…


Added by Autumn and Jonathan on April 24, 2014 at 8:30pm — 43 Comments

Corgis who like music

  So I'm quite curious if there are any corgis out there who like to listen to music and will bob or sway to music. Dodger loves Mozart and Beethoven. He'll start swaying and he tries to do a little bob-dance type of thing. It's the cutest thing ever. Do any of your corgis do something similar or is it whatever to them? Do they like a specific type of music or do they like to switch it up?

Added by Autumn and Jonathan on April 23, 2014 at 10:30am — 1 Comment

Recognizing Aggression In Other Dogs

  Far far too often you hear about cases on the news about dog attacks or hearing stories from people you know. I can honestly say that I'm proud that I grew up around aggressive dogs and I had volunteered two years of helping aggressive dogs heal.The events that took place on Sunday made me very thankful for my experience in this field.

  Sunday night a bunch of friends and family friends of my husband were having a bonfire. They also have two dogs, a German Shepard and a…


Added by Autumn and Jonathan on April 22, 2014 at 9:00pm — 3 Comments

BarkBox Review

For new/experienced dog owners who want to try new things for their dog, but don't always have time to go out to the store and get them presents and stuff, I highly recommend BarkBox. We started Dodger on them back in September of last year and he absolutely loves them! His recent BarkBox he's gotten, he got a squeaky football toy and he refuses to part with it. It's adorable! Plus, 10% of the profit goes towards dog rescues. It's the perfect doggy care package for your…


Added by Autumn and Jonathan on February 6, 2014 at 2:17pm — 2 Comments

Scary Day

So Jon has been away all day and it's been a pretty good quiet day. Well we made up a schedule of doing a morning, afternoon, and an evening walk session with Dodger. We always stop at the little dog park in our neighborhood and usually when we take him out it's pretty peaceful (he's only made three dog friends that I allow him near since they're up to date on their shots as well as Dodger). We were on our evening walk and stopped in at the little dog park (I keep Dodger on leash at all…


Added by Autumn and Jonathan on August 14, 2013 at 8:35pm — 6 Comments

Doggy Beds

So I put Dodger's puppy bed in the wash since we found fleas on him and the entire thing got shredded. I did exactly what the washing instructions said and the thing got shredded. Is there any brand of dog bed that you like best?

Added by Autumn and Jonathan on August 6, 2013 at 6:05pm — 8 Comments

Dodger's Bad Day

Our sweet little Dodger has been having a rough day today. It started out pretty good or so I had thought. Within less than an hour it went SPLAT. First, Dodger became very confused when Jonathan decided to switch his routine (bad idea, the ninny) by not letting him go out onto the balcony anymore, but switching him to being hooked on a leash and walked around the neighborhood. He didn't like the harness (threw a huge fit acting like it was the worst invention ever), but slowly adjusted to…


Added by Autumn and Jonathan on August 6, 2013 at 3:30pm — 11 Comments

Dodger's Homecoming!

So as you all know, Dodger came home yesterday. Yay! Unfortunately, he was so tuckered out from the long drive home that he made it hard to get any photos of him. So, today I finally managed to get some photos of him interacting with his new home. I am, however, sad that his ears won't be standing up till a few more weeks. He was one of the more bigger pups from the litter so it's going to take his ears a bit more before they stand up (although they do stand up in his sleep, oddly…


Added by Autumn and Jonathan on August 5, 2013 at 12:00pm — 5 Comments

Wedding Corgi

So I'm thinking about having Dodger wear a little tux to our wedding. It's just an idea so far and I haven't decided if I'll take him along yet or not, but I'm really considering taking him with us to the wedding. Just wondering if anyone else has taken their corgi/corgis to their wedding or someone else's wedding and how it turned out? 

Added by Autumn and Jonathan on August 2, 2013 at 4:41pm — 5 Comments


So Jonathan has been plotting and planning something and didn't tell me. Well last night we sat down and he said he knew how much I've been trying to start traditions in our household when he surprised me with this:

It's a Corgi in a stocking Christmas ornament! I don't now how he got it or how long he's been planning on surprising me with it, but it was really sweet of him to pick out our first Christmas ornament. And I know Christmas is still a little bit off, but…


Added by Autumn and Jonathan on August 2, 2013 at 1:00pm — 2 Comments

Trying to Adopt

So, I've applied for three-four different corgis and well got really disappointing feedback. First email I got was saying that the one dog already had a deposit on him and that he was already majority through the process of being adopted. The second email I received was about the dog had already been adopted out and that the ad was old. I feel bad because I know how badly Jonathan's been looking in to getting another corgi since he can't have the dog he wants until next year and Dodger won't…


Added by Autumn and Jonathan on July 31, 2013 at 12:35pm — 5 Comments

Puppy Supply Shopping Spree

So Jonathan and I went shopping for Dodger and we spent about almost two-three hundred on some supplies. Some we got from in a store and the rest we got online. So we're waiting on all of our online stuff we ordered, but I'm going to show the stuff we got from the store.

Things you won't see:

- Orange Teddy Bear

- Marvin the moose toy

- Coco colored dog bed

- Kibble…


Added by Autumn and Jonathan on July 30, 2013 at 1:00pm — 8 Comments

Considering Service Dog Training

I haven't really discussed it with my fiance yet, but it's been at the back of my mind for a while now since we first started looking for a Corgi and it kept coming back to me after we decided we'd get Dodger. I'm considering having Dodger (once he's older of course) go into training to be a service dog. With myself having a lot of cardiac problems, I thought it might be a possibility to consider. Of course I'd have to talk to my fiance about it and of course take into consideration what…


Added by Autumn and Jonathan on July 29, 2013 at 2:14pm — 3 Comments

Pembroke Corgi Property Laws

So Jon was exploring the internet (I have no idea what site he was on) when he read this thing called, "The Pembroke Corgi Property Laws." It was funny and thought I would share with you all what it said.

Pembroke Corgi Property Laws

1. If I like it, it's mine.

2. If it's in my mouth, it's mine.

3. If I had it a little while ago, it's mine.

4. If I can take it from you, it's mine.

5. If it's…


Added by Autumn and Jonathan on July 27, 2013 at 5:35pm — No Comments

Countdown and Preparing

There are nine days left till Dodger will officially be home with us and our place isn't even half ready for this puppy yet. With Jon being away till late in the evening due to military and work related things, one person can't organize this place especially when there's tons of heavy furniture all over the place. There's boxes everywhere, random furniture everywhere, cat toys all over the place in the dining room (still trying to figure out how I'm going to make things work with all the cat…


Added by Autumn and Jonathan on July 26, 2013 at 3:30pm — 2 Comments

Pictures of Dodger & Dodger's Arrival

New pictures of Dodger will be posted on Sunday! I'm so excited to see how much he's grown since the last time I saw him. I'm even more excited because the following Sunday, we get to drive two full hours to go pick him up! I'm so excited for it! We'll also be dropping in at Petco to pick up a few things for him. We're still in the process of getting everything ready for his arrival. We have some really cute toys so far and a cute plaid blanket (haven't decided if we're going to use it as a…


Added by Autumn and Jonathan on July 25, 2013 at 9:49pm — 1 Comment

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