Oppy's almost 2 years old now and I can't help but think he looks a little different than other Pembrokes. We got him from a breeder and met his mother who is a Pembroke but didn't meet the father (he's AKC certified, so I have no doubts about it). Oppy generally seems a little taller and has bigger ears than most other pb corgis. The tail (which wasn't docked when he was born) might make him seem a little taller than other corgis too. He was the only male in his litter; I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it. Regardless, we love him just the same, I was just curious if others see the differences like we do.

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Comment by Rebecca Marie O'Bryan on September 16, 2010 at 1:11pm
He's beautiful! I love his tail:) teddy also has really big ears and longer legs to. Check out my recent pics to see what I mean. I can't decide if its because he's so fit or if its just the way he is. He's a pure breed pembroke but has the rare blue color
Comment by Matt & Hilliary on September 16, 2010 at 12:42pm
His tail is awesome! As much as I love docked corgi butts, his tail adds SO much emotion that you might not be able to see normally. Nothing like seeing it fly back and forth or him grabbing it and spinning in circles.
Comment by John Wolff on September 16, 2010 at 12:22pm
Sure is cool to see a Pem with a great tail.
Comment by Matt & Hilliary on September 16, 2010 at 11:35am
Like I said, I don't really mind because he's just so special anyways, it's just that there are 2 other corgis in our apartment complex and both look much more standard pembroke than Oppy does.
Comment by Elizabeth on September 16, 2010 at 11:32am
Yes, his dad looks like a Pem to me. Oppy's tail and ears look very Cardiganlike (as do his curvy lines). Many years ago the two breeds were widely interbred, so who knows, my boys probably have some Pems in the woodpile, too.
Comment by Matt & Hilliary on September 16, 2010 at 11:17am

That's the father, definitely looks like a Pembroke to me. And like I said, we saw the mother and she was most definitely a Pembroke too. Who knows, maybe there's some Cardigan somewhere in his lineage.
Comment by Elizabeth on September 16, 2010 at 11:10am
Oh my! He looks just like my red and white Cardigan except without the fluff! I think there's some Cardi in the woodpile (maybe his dad?). ;) He's beautiful.

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