I was taking a nap yesterday afternoon and woke up to a bad smell. Faye just had diarrhea all over the floor next to my bed. I kept running to the bathroom to puke while cleaning it up. Anyway, I had her drink water then I left to go help a friend move. I came back after 3hrs and discovered the she has puked AND pooped in 7 different areas of the house, two of them being in my room and the bathroom floor is COVERED with this... gooey mixture. I brought her outside just in case then started cleaning... I was throwing up in a trash bin while cleaning. God, it was so horrible. I came back outside and discovered that Faye has puked EVEN MORE. I started panicking... I really don't know if I should wait till the morning to bring her to the vet. That's the most I've ever seen a dog puke out in one day. I asked my boyfriend (who has a degree in animal physiology & neuroscience--if that helps haha) if I should take her to the emergency hospital and he said "Only if she's puking blood or bile." I said screw it and just took her to the hospital anyway.

Her temperature was normal, she didn't seem to be dehydrated, and of course, they didn't know what was wrong with her. They gave her an injection of something that'll help with her nausea and told me she's not allowed to have food or water till the next day. Then the doctor said if she's still puking in the morning to bring her to a regular vet coz they would be able to help her more. The visit cost me more than I thought it would, but I still thought it was the right thing to do to bring her in.

She hasn't puked at all since we got home (but I did). What can I feed/give her in the meantime that won't upset her stomach? I love her and I want her to be well, but I don't want to clean up any more vomit/poo. I had dinner before all of this and I lost EVERYTHING :'(

Sorry this was so lengthy! tl;dr

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Comment by Isabels FayeValentine & Katamari on November 8, 2008 at 12:09am
I used boiled chicken and it's working out well so far. Yeah, I think I'll lay off the bones & rawhides. Thank you :)
Comment by Cindi on November 6, 2008 at 9:15am
Isabel, sorry to hear Faye has been sick. And, yes, the bone could have been bad. Frankly, and there are those on here who will completely disagree with me, I don't give bones or rawhides to any of our dogs. The meat on the bones can go bad. The rawhides can split and tear causing choking if not properly supervised (and I'm not fond of how they're processed). We stick with Kongs for chewing. You can put goodies inside and, if they hate the rubber, just fake-baste them with chicken stock/boullion so they have a flavor. You can also use treat balls.

But for now, let her tummy rest. Lou Ann's diet is a great one. For meat use boiled chicken. Tank got some kind of doggy flu last week and we had to ease up his diet for a few days. It happens.

But do consider the chewy things you give. Bones and rawhides aren't the greatest. By the way, someone on here mentioned Antler Chews. Anyone used them? What do you think???
Comment by Wendt Worth Corgi's on November 6, 2008 at 12:14am
Whenever a dog gets sick like that and your worried about dehydration you can add some plain pedialyte into the water to give electrolytes to her or the popsicle pedialyte. Once she holds food down you can give some yogurt, probiotics to get her intestinal tract back to health. They also say pumpkin helps the tummy and bowels.
Comment by Isabels FayeValentine & Katamari on November 5, 2008 at 9:24pm
Thank you for all your advice! Faye hasn't puked all day and the diarrhea seems to have subsided. I think it was the bone that did it. I'm giving that bone dirty looks right now... I'm getting up and throwing it away after this comment. I did the rice/chicken thing, but I think I may have given her a little more than 1/4 cup. I'm hoping for the best. Will keep you guys updated. Yeah, I think I will stick to rawhide.
Comment by Boots and Superstar! on November 5, 2008 at 9:12pm
wow, that was a real huge bone! its safer to give rawhide because the actual bone is more dangerous for dogs like little bones sticking out or the meat itself is spoiled, but if you want to give her a reward for being a good doggie, give her deli meats, rawhide, and a kong.
Comment by Michelle on November 5, 2008 at 6:29pm
When JR ate Acorns..not normal..he became very ill throwing up relentlessly. Dr gave him some thick yellow liquid med to take and when his stomach settled down some we gave him plain yogurt. It did wonders to settle his tummy.
Comment by Lou Ann Lemaster on November 5, 2008 at 5:48pm
It is possible the bone was bad. Dogs are natural scavengers, and their stomach can usually handle bad meat; but this may have been too much or maybe to rich. As for reintroducing food, boil some chicken and rice (or hamburger and rice) and give it to her a little at a time. In fact, here is a good rule of thumb to use when using the bland diet:

3 days only meat & rice bland diet (no dog food/treats)
2 days meals 3 parts bland diet & 1 part dog food
2 days meals 2 parts bland diet & 2 parts dog food
2 days meals 1 part bland diet & 3 parts dog food

I make 3 cups rice and 1 beef, store it in the fridge, measure out individual meals (1/4 cup = 4 Tablespoons), and microwave it to warm up.
Comment by Sheila Wiggins on November 5, 2008 at 4:19pm
JD had diarrhea and was vomiting really bad one day 3 times in less than a 1/2 hr. I called the vet and they told me "BRING HIM IN RIGHT AWAY!!" Turns out he got a hold of something that his body was trying to get rid of. He had to deal with out water for 12 hrs and food for 24 hrs and had to give him 2 different kinds of meds for a week. So if you havent i would take him in to the vet if i where u.
Comment by Isabels FayeValentine & Katamari on November 5, 2008 at 3:25pm
Actually, it's this exact bone right here: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=638207&l=0a376&id=123.... I've given this to other dogs before and they didn't seem to have a problem. Maybe I just got a bad one?
Comment by Isabels FayeValentine & Katamari on November 5, 2008 at 3:23pm
I forgot to mention that the night before I took her to the groomers and then I gave her a huge knuckle bone to chew on because she's been a really good girl. I've given her a smaller version before and she fared well. Actually, she didn't even eat much of it, it's still in tact and there's still a lot of meat and marrow on/in it. Those are the only different things we did. Unfortunately I don't have a play pen, but we do have wood floors and we slept in the living room last night. I blocked off the other parts of the house.

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