Isabels FayeValentine & Katamari's Blog (12)

Wilderness Dog checklist

I'm taking Faye camping for the first time ever! She's not a very active dog if she's without her new friend Katamari (who is settling in well, except for a couple of fights that ended with me getting hurt). The other dog is more active, but very young and needs more training as she tends to run away. Faye is really good at staying by my side off-leash. I'm sure some of you have taken your corgis camping/hiking/etc (*ahem* John *ahem*). We'll be going to Lake Isabella with my boyfriend's… Continue

Added by Isabels FayeValentine & Katamari on July 30, 2009 at 5:02am — 3 Comments

Another corgi, same high-kill shelter.

I found another Pembroke at the shelter where I got Katamari. I feel like I have this personal responsibility to take in any homeless Welsh Corgi I see... Does anyone want another corgi friend?? This little boy needs help and right away.…


Added by Isabels FayeValentine & Katamari on June 4, 2009 at 2:28am — 9 Comments

Say hello to... Katamari!

I posted a few entries back that I'm adopting a 1yr old female Pembroke from the animal shelter. Well, this was her first day home. She was very groggy from being sedated for spay surgery. She wasn't her usual spritely hyper self, but she was still very loving. She did snap at my 4yr old Faye when she passed by. I was so surprised that Faye was so well-behaved. I praised her and pet them both at the same time. Katamari stole Faye's bed hahaha so sad.…


Added by Isabels FayeValentine & Katamari on June 2, 2009 at 3:30am — 10 Comments

We have a new friend!!

I posted a blog entry last night about possibly adopting a 1yr old female Pembroke at my county's high-kill shelter. Faye and I went to go see her this morning and I fell in-love with her immediately. When they were in the social area they sniffed each other and didn't seem too interested in each other. I thought that was a good thing because usually Faye growls at other dogs (just the males, i think). When we went inside the office the new corgi, hyper and still a puppy, really, wanted to play… Continue

Added by Isabels FayeValentine & Katamari on May 30, 2009 at 2:00pm — 8 Comments

Rescuing a corgi from a high-kill shelter

She's listed as a "Welsh Corgi - Cardigan Mix," but if you look at her picture you can clearly see that she's a Pembroke. She's a year old and smaller than my 4yr old female. I have concerns because I've heard that two females usually don't get along, but I've found that Faye doesn't like males that much either. I'm going to the shelter tomorrow morning with Faye so we can meet her and possibly adopt her. Some of the dogs have kennel cough and the conditions are horrible. There have been… Continue

Added by Isabels FayeValentine & Katamari on May 29, 2009 at 11:30pm — 9 Comments

Dog Vomit.

I was taking a nap yesterday afternoon and woke up to a bad smell. Faye just had diarrhea all over the floor next to my bed. I kept running to the bathroom to puke while cleaning it up. Anyway, I had her drink water then I left to go help a friend move. I came back after 3hrs and discovered the she has puked AND pooped in 7 different areas of the house, two of them being in my room and the bathroom floor is COVERED with this... gooey mixture. I brought her outside just in case then started… Continue

Added by Isabels FayeValentine & Katamari on November 5, 2008 at 3:05pm — 11 Comments

Clean butts.

I have a friend whose parents own a dog grooming place. She was telling me about how some breeds, like Pugs, need help cleaning their behinds after they poop because they're not so self-sufficient. Is this true for Corgis since their bodies are of different proportions?

I usually just let Faye out to do her business and she comes right back in when she's done with whatever. I walked her earlier and she pooped (she usually doesn't on walks). I've watched her ever since we got back and… Continue

Added by Isabels FayeValentine & Katamari on November 4, 2008 at 12:20am — 1 Comment

Ugh, just need to vent.

So I took Faye to the vet this morning and there was a lady sitting a couple feet from me carrying a cat wrapped in a towel. She kept saying out loud that her cat was bit by a dog yesterday. I understand her fear, but there was a pitbull, a german shepherd and a standard poodle around her, but she chose to throw a fit about my little, harmless corgi. She kept yelling "NO!!" at Faye every time she moved from her position. My name was called and I got up and started walking toward the doctor when… Continue

Added by Isabels FayeValentine & Katamari on July 17, 2008 at 4:20am — 8 Comments

Faye Update

I took Faye to the vet this morning and the doctor said it's a cirroma (sp?). It's like getting a blister, it's a sac full of fluid. Also, when she sits her legs rub against the area. She bandaged her up so she can absorb it better and also just in case her sutures burst open. That would be scary.

She's okay, I just have to restrict her movement and not let her run around at all. She even suggested being crated most of the time (I don't know about that...). No more running and… Continue

Added by Isabels FayeValentine & Katamari on July 16, 2008 at 3:30pm — 6 Comments


I took Faye in to get spayed last Thursday. She was doing fine, I gave her a bath in a shallow pool of water, and we went for a long walk. I just noticed a few minutes ago that the area they stitched up has swollen to the size of a baseball.

Is the healing process really like that or is this an infection? I've been calling and calling the doctor's office, but no one was picking up. I'm freaking out.

Added by Isabels FayeValentine & Katamari on July 15, 2008 at 8:23pm — 7 Comments

Fatty McFatterson?

How heavy is your PWC? L'il Faye Valentine is 30.9 lbs. She is really chubz, but I heard somewhere that Corgis can be anywhere from 25-31 lbs. She's really heavy and too... rubenesque. She's 3yrs old and she used to be a breeder. That's not her ideal weight, right? I'm feeding her Canidae's Overweight & Senior Dogs formula just in case..

Added by Isabels FayeValentine & Katamari on July 2, 2008 at 4:24am — 5 Comments

under-active corgi

I just recently rescued a 3yr old corgi who was abused and was an outdoor-only dog. It's hard to leash-train and house-train her, but my biggest concern is that she's overweight and she does nothing but lay around and sleep in the house. Now, I take her outside and play with her and we run around. I even take her for a walk (as far as she would allow), but between those times she does nothing. What do you do to keep your corgi active by themselves? Or is this because she's just… Continue

Added by Isabels FayeValentine & Katamari on July 1, 2008 at 4:30am — 2 Comments

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