I just recently rescued a 3yr old corgi who was abused and was an outdoor-only dog. It's hard to leash-train and house-train her, but my biggest concern is that she's overweight and she does nothing but lay around and sleep in the house. Now, I take her outside and play with her and we run around. I even take her for a walk (as far as she would allow), but between those times she does nothing. What do you do to keep your corgi active by themselves? Or is this because she's just obese?

I have to drag her every time we go out for walks. Any special collars or tricks to make her leave her rock-like stance? Any help is much appreciated. Thank you in advance!

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Comment by Cindi on July 1, 2008 at 9:42am
Take your time with her. She's not used to the routine. Check out my page and you'll see my blog on Moira. When we got her she was grossly, morbidly obese. By rationing her food and getting her up and moving once she lost enough weight to be comfortable, the weight just melted off. Excellent food (nutrition is key), activity she's comfortable with, and limits on treats (just like people) are the way to go.
Comment by Sam on July 1, 2008 at 7:48am
There could be many causes. Obesity is certainly a contributor. If she has not had a complete veterinary exam I would suggest it. Dogs left outside are quite susceptible to parasites which could also be a contributing factor. A stool sample would test for internal parasites. A blood test would be required for a heartworm test. She also may be a bit anxious about her move. If she has lived outside and been ignored then moving into a home can be most overwhelming. Most will adapt very well with patience and love.

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