Yay first blog post on here.

I think I found my "dream corgi" today. Except... he's in the Netherlands. Haha. Literally half the world away. And I'm still unsure whether I should get a puppy right now. Though, my birthday is coming up at the end of the month... Maybe I can convince my parents to get me a puppy for my birthday. Haha. When I half jokingly mentioned it to my mom on the phone the other day, she actually said "maybe". That's something I never thought I would hear her say in my lifetime.

On the other hand, importing a puppy could be a lot more expensive than just getting one from a local breeder... Not to mention all the regular puppy expenses. So I'm still very undecided. But I did email the breeder. Hopefully my English is understandable to them. And hopefully they will respond.

In case anyone's curious, here's the little guy. A complete fluff ball. Haha. He's 6 weeks old right now. From Limbonsnest in the Netherlands. His markings are not my favorite out of all his siblings, but nope, I can't resist the fluff!

Wish me luck.

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Comment by Shou on March 12, 2012 at 7:13am

Haha that's what I worry about too, actually. I want such specific things from a corgi... I would be really sad if I found the perfect-LOOKING dog, but he ended up not being what I want personality-wise. But I'm keeping my hopes up. Even if I am temporarily putting my dream on hold. I emailed a couple breeders just now, asking about puppies. Even though they won't be my "dream" one, I'm gonna just be open to the breeders' suggestions, and hope that the perfect guy will show up in my life next. :]

I'm sure Ziggy is lucky that you two found each other! It's like fate. Sometimes you don't expect it. Haha. And good luck getting your next one! Hopefully it'll be soon. And as for the yard thing, maybe the rescues won't be too strict about that. As long as you can give the dogs enough exercise, it shouldn't be a problem. Afterall, you already have one, so you can show them Ziggy and they can see how well he's living with you guys and what an awesome dog he is! :]

Comment by Zigward & Kimberly on March 11, 2012 at 7:04pm

I can see that.. I like either little to none or A LOT. Of course, that is just when I take the time to think about it. Before I got Ziggy, I was dead set on the looks. Then poof. He's there and I can have him and his personality is what I want.. No way was I leaving the pooch behind xD (Before, I was never much of a fan of the super thin streak up the face, but I like it now.)

One thing that I did not expect in the least: I LOVE dark thick black Corgi eyeliner. It's one of my favorites. If it's not there, it usually bothers me. But Ziggy has a red/brown color around his eyes, and it doesn't even.. Like he may as well! I look at him and can't help but go, "You're so PERFECT." lol.

It is true that you can't have just one. I already informed hubby that once we are doing a little more awesome in money that I am going to fill out an application for the rescue here. I don't know if that will work out too well, because I think a lot of rescues want you to have yards, but there is no harm in trying. (Plus it would be awesome if I could because rescues give you a two week trial before you make an absolute decision, so that way I could learn if Ziggy liked it or not and if not, no foul, except that I would be heart broken to have to give up a poochy lol.. Big foul.)

Comment by Shou on March 11, 2012 at 6:39am

Thanks for the comments, everyone! Haha he is really adorable. I also found out from the breeder today that her puppies are 800 euro and she doesn't know how much shipping would cost... Yikes. So I have to reconsider that for now. I'm not sure if I can spend that kinda money on a puppy right now, even if it does have a great pedigree and is my perfect puppy.

Kymii: Actually I like a little more white on the face. Two of his brothers have gorgeous faces that I really love. But they don't have the adorable puff ball look that I love more. Haha. I'm not giving up though. Someone told me once, corgis are like potato chips. You can never have just one. Haha. So even if I can't get my "perfect" dog right now, it can always be my second (or third) dog. :]

Comment by Geri & Sidney on March 11, 2012 at 12:27am

how adorable!

Comment by Zigward & Kimberly on March 10, 2012 at 12:47am

He's very cute-and his markings are about exactly what I was looking for when I had been dead set on getting a puppy from a breeder! (I wanted a full white collar, but on his face, the little upside down triangle was exactly what I wanted.)

You're right, it would be way more expensive that way, and though I know how hard it's going to be, think about why you're getting him-you wanna make sure he is the kinda doggy you want, not just the look wise either:P I know that sucks because the looks you want are rare (I also wanted a BHT, but I wanted a BHT that looked a certain way, which I know I wouldn't have gotten with the personality I wanted-at least for a reallllllllllllllllllly long time, if ever.)

Good luck though:D

Comment by Beth on March 9, 2012 at 11:11pm

So cute!   

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