Banzai has always had this tiny bit of a habit of hooking his bottom jaw under his collars and chewing on them. I have probably only seen him do it about 10 times max since I've been putting collars on him. But today I wake up, go into the living room, and spot something chewed up on the floor. I wonder, what on earth it can be since my mom closes off her room from him now? He used to go in there to get things to chew on. Then I realize it's his pretty blue collar.

At first I was afraid that I wouldn't have any more collars to put on him to take him out side. Then I remembered his green harness! I went on a search to find that to put on him. I came up with a black leather collar that I had bought at one point. So that went on him instead. He chewed that one off too. -_-

Mom and I just went to a Pet Mart, no not PetSmart. I love the girl who works in there. She is so awesome, helpful, and she loves corgis.

At first we were going to get Banzai a chain collar, but none of them fit. Next was a nylon and chain collar. I forget what it's called. That too was very loose and came off easily. Finally we opted for a smaller nylon collar with skulls and crossbones. Hey why not? Everyone loves pirates, and it will be perfect for the upcoming Gasparilla Parade!

I normally get a little bit of a wider nylon collar for Banzai. Only because I worry about a thin one choking him. But when the girl put it on him it was higher up and snug against him. She did the two finger rule and it fit perfectly.

At checkout she gave us a bunch of sample packs for dog food. She thought that Banzai's coat felt a little dry. I have to agree. I used to put fish oil in his food for him, but stopped. Looks like I'll have to start doing that again. For the time being I have a bunch of new foods to let him try. That helps me out a lot financially. Like I said this girl is awesome.

I am still going to keep an eye out for his harness though.

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Comment by FuzzyButt on January 30, 2009 at 1:36pm
I didn't know about olive oil.

Banzai didn't eat any part of the collars. I made sure that every part lined up and no chunks were missing. It just looks like it's eaten.
Comment by Sam Tsang on January 28, 2009 at 2:14pm
You can substitute Fish oil with Olive oil, that will keep a nice shiny coat. Do keep an eye out for the collar, last month a corgi swallowed a leather glove and had to go through surgery :(
Comment by Nicola Porter on January 28, 2009 at 2:07pm
UHOH LO does this, I have resorted to him not wearing any. I think I have lost 4. One time it only took him 2 minutes.
Comment by Sarah C. on January 28, 2009 at 2:01pm
Didi did this for awhile. In the end I put her collars a little tighter, so that was a fingers worth of room all the way around, and sprayed the danglies with bitter apple. She couldn't get to it no more and destroyed many a bully stick in her frustration.

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