Hi it has been over 2 years since my dad has been on this site a lot has happened I'm Oscar I'm 16 on January 4th 2019. My Dad Brian has just been back one day from spending 3 months in Bastrop Texas. Sadly I'm getting older and I'm almost blind and deaf the problem is I have arthritis in my hind legs and back. my vet has started me on 4 injections 1 a week for 4 weeks  as well as medication for inflammation. My dad is a mess is there anyone out there that can offer advise or know what he is dealing with?. He is going to speak to my vet tomorrow and see what my options are. He has been a awesome  owner all these years. I was hoping to move to America with him who knows?. If anything should happen to me Dad will fall apart. He always say's I was a gift from God to him I had better sign off and post this before my dad loses it.




Brian, Oscar's Dad.

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Comment by Beth on December 3, 2018 at 7:08pm

Aww,  Oscar.   

We had Maddie for laser therapy for her DM.  It did help.  Lasers don't repair the nerve death that DM causes, but they seemed to help with the muscle atrophy that results and she got a few extra months of being able to sort of hobble along on her own before putting  her in a cart.  It is so hard to decide what to do when they start to fail.  I will say that I had a beloved cat that meant the world to me.  She had been with me through some really rough times.  A part of me died with her and I didn't want to let her go.  I went on with her too long;  she was dying of cancer and I made her last few weeks miserable when I should have seen she was ready to say goodbye.  I was not.  I felt so guilty, I can't even tell you.  It took me days to stop sobbing all the time, weeks to stop sobbing every day when I got home from work, and months to stop sobbing at bedtime every night.  But I wished then and still do now that I let her go a month before I did.  I've forgiven myself, she has forgiven me.   We do our best for them, there is no perfect time.  Consider an alternative therapy but listen to your heart and do what Oscar would want you to do.

I remember you from when the forums were busier, Brian. Hugs and love. My Jack is coming on 12 and he's my dog of a lifetime.   

Comment by Linda on October 21, 2018 at 7:22pm

I'm so sorry to read this.  16 is a ripe old age for any dog.  The only thing I can suggest is trying acupuncture.  It is not a cure all but I know I had very good results with Max and myself after I saw what it did for Max for pain control.  Unfortunately our sweet furbabies are not able to be with us forever.  I am facing losing my Kaite in the not too distant future.  Katie is going on 15 and was just diagnosed with lymphoma.  We were prepared for the diagnosis but it still hit us hard.  Because of her age we are treating her only with prednisone to hopefully shrink the tumors but it's not helping so far.

Alison...I used acupuncture for Max when he had IVDD in his neck.  He was in so much pain that I thought we were going to have to make a decision for him.  If you go back thru my posts you will my journey with him using acupuncture.  

My heart breaks for both of you.  Sending prayers of peace and comfort for you as you face the days ahead.

Comment by Alison Prasavath on October 4, 2018 at 11:21pm
Noodles is 13 and is now in wheels, due to his arthritis. It's also in both of his back legs. He's lost so much weight because of losing muscle. I carry him quite often and he is able to scoot around on the floors, but doesn't have much grip in his front legs. He just was released from a 3 week bed rest as he was diagnosed with IVDD. Not sure how he injured himself, but he was in so much pain we thought we were going to lose him. He's doing much better now. He was on 5 different medications, but is now back to his regular 2. Those are Carprofen and Gabapentin. Congrats on being close to 16! That's impressive and shows how loved you are.

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