Brian D Graham's Blog (56)

Oscar my darling boy has gone to doggie heaven

Sadly I have sad news I found out last night my beloved 17 year old darling Oscar had to be put to sleep in Sydney Australia. His hind legs had failed him and his quality of life had deteriorated to the point he could no longer walk. I never got to say goodbye to my darling boy which is really hard!. I have 16 years and 6 months of fond memories that I will cherish forever. 

I believe God brought Oscar into my life for a reason and I will always be eternally grateful for that. He has…


Added by Brian D Graham on March 14, 2020 at 7:15pm — 6 Comments

Elderly Corgi

Hi it has been over 2 years since my dad has been on this site a lot has happened I'm Oscar I'm 16 on January 4th 2019. My Dad Brian has just been back one day from spending 3 months in Bastrop Texas. Sadly I'm getting older and I'm almost blind and deaf the problem is I have arthritis in my hind legs and back. my vet has started me on 4 injections 1 a week for 4 weeks  as well as medication for inflammation. My dad is a mess is there anyone out there that can offer advise or know what he is…


Added by Brian D Graham on September 30, 2018 at 9:00pm — 3 Comments

Bringing your dog into the United States from Overseas

Hi this is Brian,

Oscar's Dad from Sydney Australia I have a question and if anybody can help I would be most grateful.

I maybe Immigrating to The United States this year I'm looking into it at the moment. I have yet to decide if Oscar is up to making the trip to Richmond Virginia I will look into Pet transport companies that do everything. Oscar is now 13 years old I'm not sure of your quarantine laws for mainland USA? some countries you just have to have your…


Added by Brian D Graham on April 7, 2016 at 10:28am — 4 Comments

Oscar and old age!!!

Hi All,

Well it has been along time since I have been on the site! Oscar & Sam's Dad's Brian & Paul have been busy renovating our Home Langi Dorn and have almost finished. Our dogs Sam (Australian Red Cattle Dog) & Oscar (Welsh Pembroke Corgi) have taken to rural life very well. We haven't had anymore issue's with Brown or Red Belly Black Snakes though now we are heading into spring & summer we have to be on our guard!.

Now the reason for my post Oscar…


Added by Brian D Graham on September 6, 2015 at 3:00am — 3 Comments

We have to be so careful with older dogs

Oscar my beloved Corgi was lying in the dim light in between the formal dining room and the formal sitting room. I didn't see him and kicked him and he yelped we have noticed the last 2 days he has not been himself. Oscar is not limping Paul in a Registered Nurse and has had some experience with animals he gave him a thorough examination and  has said nothing is broken or fractured  he thinks it is muscular or he has some bruising. I feel terrible as I didn't see him and I would never do…


Added by Brian D Graham on December 13, 2014 at 2:30am — 6 Comments

We are in for a long hot summer down under!!!.

Hi All well I think Australia is in for a long hot summer yesterday was 37 degree's  in the City out our way was closer to 40 degree's!!! the boys were inside with the air-conditioning on we just had a new unit put in the kitchen as last year our 1st summer in the kitchen was unbearable. Yesterday there were bush fires in the blue mountains west of us it was this time last year we were evacuated from our home with bushfires close by. we have prepared ourselves for the upcoming bushfire…


Added by Brian D Graham on November 2, 2014 at 5:35am — 5 Comments

Snake repellers do they work and how harmful to dogs are they?.

Has anybody living rural with dogs with snakes ever used a snake repeller they look like an outdoor solar light that you stick into the ground and turn them on. The put a vibration into the ground and also put out a sonic sound that humans cant hear but animals can. I would have thought they would drive dogs nuts?. I have seen a deadly brown snake and a not so deadly red bellied black snake today thank goodness the dogs were inside as the other day Sam almost dragged me off the top of our…


Added by Brian D Graham on October 12, 2014 at 12:30am — No Comments

An Aging Corgi

Hi All well we have had a very dry Winter here in Sydney very little rain but in the last 2 weeks we have had enough rain to one green up everything two fill up the 100 thousand litre water tank plus water all our Gardens!. Have been very busy with the house painting every room white, re carpeting, stripping off wallpaper 3 rooms to go now!. Last week I had Oscar & Sam @ the vet for their regular vet visit this time I went back to my old vet of 30 years and I wanted to speak  to Fiona…


Added by Brian D Graham on September 6, 2014 at 5:49am — 5 Comments

Hi from Oscar The Corgi and Sam the Red Cattle Dog from Sydney Australia

Hi To all our Corgi Friends out there!.

Our Dad 's have been busy getting their new house in the country in order!. Painting, Gardens being overhauled Endless hours of stripping Laura Ashley Floral wall paper off walls new carpet. plantation shutters and having fun scouring the local antique stores for furniture and other items  E  bay has become their new best friend but thru it all they still look after us and now it is getting cooler it is nights in front of the open fire…


Added by Brian D Graham on May 4, 2014 at 6:41am — 3 Comments

Slow feeder Bowl

Hi All,

I found on line last week a slow feeder bowl for Oscar it is truly amazing and worked the first time I gave him his dry food in it and later on with his wet food!. I now can rest easy when he eats now as he used to bolt his food down to the point it was as if he was choking!. Paul and I did everything to try and prevent this from happening. I worried as every time it happened Oscar would go into a choking fit and as now he is 11 I was worried it would all be a strain on his…


Added by Brian D Graham on February 9, 2014 at 3:59pm — 2 Comments

Optimal Vision Support

Has anybody heard of Ocu - Glo Rx or know anybody who has used it for their mature aged male Corgis with an eye condition known as PRA read my earlier blog post known as Shine.



Added by Brian D Graham on December 14, 2013 at 3:19am — No Comments

Eye problems in Corgi's

I googled eyes problems in Pembroke Corgi's they came up with 2.

1)  Progressive Retinal Atrophy ( PRA)  Also known as Progressive Retinal Degeneration ( PRD). Look for change in dogs personality i.e. wont walk down a dark hallway or go downstairs suggesting night blindness. Vision improves during daylight hours!. Pupils dilate as the disease progresses!.

2) Shine condition.  Corgi's develop a cloudy look in their eyes known as shine!. I need to schedule a…


Added by Brian D Graham on December 14, 2013 at 2:37am — No Comments

Corgi eye sight problems

Hi Everyone,

This question is for all owners of mature aged Corgi's. I wont say the old word because Oscar would never forgive me!. Jan 4th Oscar will turn 11 every year @ his annual health check one thing my vet would always check Oscar's eyes and would always comment they were good and no sign of problems!. I would ask as any pet owner would ask what problems were these and I was told corgis sometimes have problems with their eyes which can led to blindness. I cannot…


Added by Brian D Graham on December 14, 2013 at 1:43am — 1 Comment

Paranoia or???

I have noticed since last Wednesday when we had to evacuate because of the pending bushfires I have noticed that Oscar & Sam seem to be different?. They seem to be very clingy and stick by you wont let you out of their sight!. Maybe it's nothing or as I put in my post title Paranoia or??. I know animals sense things but do I have anything to worry about??


Added by Brian D Graham on October 27, 2013 at 7:00pm — 3 Comments

Teaching old dogs new tricks

Well whoever brought up this statement should have put a patent on it!!!

Oscar my Pembroke Corgi coming up 11 in January since the age of 3 months has hated with a passion squeaky toys!. cannot stand the noise they make well Sam loves them and this drives Oscar nuts!!!. Well we brought Sam his usual rubber chicken well I was inside the other day and could hear who I thought was Sam playing on the verandah with his new rubber chicken I turned around in my office and there was Sam…


Added by Brian D Graham on October 25, 2013 at 11:30pm — 2 Comments

Hi from Sydney

Well it's been a long time since I've been on here we have been busy painting and other things though this last week Sydney's Blue Mountains and other parts of the state are in the grip of the worst bushfires in decades!!!. We are in Kurrajong Hills in the lower Blue Mountains on the Bells line of Road the fires got within 15 Kilometres of us it was quite scary at one stage we thought we were going to have to evacuate if the bush fire broke it's containment lines we had the cars packed and…


Added by Brian D Graham on October 25, 2013 at 7:20am — 1 Comment

Being a parnoid pet owner

How many people can relate to this?. We have moved to a rural property and went to a local vet Whom I did not like and Paul said I was being paranoid!. I have never in all of Oscar's years seen him act like this with a vet I have used the same vet clinic for nearly 30 years and Oscar has never had a problem with any of the vets he actually likes going to the vet!. Paul made a comment the other day that surprised me! He stated he didn't like the vet and that we should find another one! I…


Added by Brian D Graham on October 2, 2013 at 7:00am — 9 Comments

It's going to be a long hot summer

Vets are warning pet owners of a long hot summer this year and especially pet owners on rural properties!. Snakes!!! Paul & I have to be so careful this is Oscar & Sam's first summer as country dogs!. It is the brown & black snakes that we have to watch out for our vet has told us when we are out with them don't let them out of our sight and just be more diligent and maybe keep them on the verandah so they can't get up to any mischief!. 

Added by Brian D Graham on September 23, 2013 at 11:40pm — 4 Comments

Re Oscar and his eating!.

Thanks to all the positive comments I will look for the slow feeding bowl I make a point of being with Oscar when he eats his dry food and he is getting better and with his wet food also we have started the mammoth task of starting to repaint the inside of the house!. we are going room by room and changing the beige to white so far we have done the formal dining and between the formal dining room & the kitchen. the kitchen and laundry was done before we moved in next is the formal…


Added by Brian D Graham on September 21, 2013 at 12:47am — No Comments

A question someone maybe able to answer for me?

I read about Grand Mal Seizure's I have noticed when Oscar eats his dry food he bolts it down and does not chew it!. Oscar starts to I think choke and this goes on for not very long he then settles down. We have started to half the portion and give it to him in stages this seems to work it has happened with his Barf Diet wet food as well we just try to settle him and it stops?. My Question is when this happens is it just because Oscar bolts his food down and it gets stuck or is it something…


Added by Brian D Graham on September 14, 2013 at 11:35pm — 9 Comments

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