Hi All well we have had a very dry Winter here in Sydney very little rain but in the last 2 weeks we have had enough rain to one green up everything two fill up the 100 thousand litre water tank plus water all our Gardens!. Have been very busy with the house painting every room white, re carpeting, stripping off wallpaper 3 rooms to go now!. Last week I had Oscar & Sam @ the vet for their regular vet visit this time I went back to my old vet of 30 years and I wanted to speak  to Fiona regarding Oscar as he is coming up to 12 years old in Jan 2015!. He passed his vet check with flying colours but! there is an issue with his eyes he is not going blind but when you take photos of him his eyes have a glazed looked the vet explained after checking his eyes he is like his dad with age we need glasses well in Oscars case he is like this as well an eye condition was given but as I'm at work and not in my office at home with his file I can't think of the medical term?. Also I got read the riot act about his weight!!!!!!!. So he is on a  diet. This last week he was playing  with Sam on the front verandah at home and I noticed him that night limping. Paul an RN and has had a bit to do with animal husbandry did a check he has not broken any bones no fractures but has pulled a muscle!. So it's now making sure he doesn't over do it and I'm carrying him up the stairs at the moment to help him. Oscar has to realize he is not a puppy anymore!. The vet also sat me down and had a talk with me about Oscar's on going health as a elderly dog the things I have to prepare myself for as Oscar will not be around for ever!. This perturbed somewhat but Fiona knows how much I adore Oscar and how not having him in my life one day will effect me!. I hope and pray Oscar is around for years to come and will always endeavour to keep him healthy and well. Paul asked me the other day if anything happened to Oscar would I get another Pembroke Corgi and my answer was of course though I would have to take a trip to New Zealand to my Aunt who still breeds the Pembroke Corgi's as NZ still allows the Docking of the tail and I more than likely will get a Boy & Girl from different litters and shires and may start breeding myself who knows or I might just keep them as pets?. I have grown up with Pembroke Corgi's all my life and don't intend stopping having the breed in my life.

I cherish each day with Oscar and Sam and thank God for them in my life as they help me with day to day life and health issue's!. Sam our Red Cattle Dog is an amazing Dog also but Oscar is my pride and joy!.

Regards to you all and your 4 legged children.


Oscar & Sam's Dad

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Comment by Bogart the Cardigan on September 14, 2014 at 7:22pm
Corgis are so good at mind control, it is very difficult not to give them treats and let them lick our plates! But seriously, weight is really important. Does Oscar like raw carrots and green beans? Bogart likes them and that is a low cal treat. Glad to know your pups are still in pretty good health! I recommend chiropractic as a preventative since Corgis have such long backs. Bogart gets adjusted about every other month. After the session there is a marked difference, he just seems extra exuberant... He also takes a joint supplement and a squirt of salmon oil on his food in the AM.
Comment by Brian D Graham on September 7, 2014 at 11:19pm

Thank you for all the kinds thoughts about Oscar he doesn't seem to be limping now he still has that sparkle in his eyes!. I was lying on the rug in the music room the other night giving him his favourite tummy rub he has had it done to him since he was a puppy and he thinks he is in heaven. We have reduced his food intake so hopefully he will shed those excess kilo's.

Comment by Jenny, Tucker, & Zoey on September 7, 2014 at 9:02pm

I dread the days you're facing now! I think getting some weight off will make Oscar feel better. You may look into chiropractic, acupuncture, and laser therapy as they're all great for pain management and healing. Swimming too if he likes it! I hope that he continues to age with grace and you have more fun years ahead of you.

Comment by Linda on September 6, 2014 at 11:07pm

I understand how you feel....Max turned 12 in June and Katie is 10.  Max is my heart dog and I get sick thinking how short our time together is.  He is healthy other than needing acupuncture for his neck but as long as that keeps him out of pain and moving right along he is doing good for an old guy.  Katie is slowing down a bit but no major health problems with her.

And yes, I will be sharing the rest of my life with my Pembrokes.

Comment by Judith Andre on September 6, 2014 at 9:35pm

It's so hard knowing how short their little lives are.  Murray is just about 7 and it seems like he was just a puppy.  We're running in an agility trial this weekend and I know if we're lucky we have 3 maybe 4 more years we can do that. Just have to make the best of the short time we have them.

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