Little Miss Ellie went in for her spay on the 17th.  What a trooper she's been!  She was her usual self from the moment she returned home (the Vet kept her overnight for observation, which is standard practice at their office) and was as playful as always.  I, on the other hand, was a total wreck about it last week. 


I knew she wasn't in pain and all would be well, but I felt absolutely horrible about keeping her confined to her crate nearly all day long.  Why not put her in an X-pen or gate her off in a small room?  Well, that's because the little booger would not rest!  If left on her own, outside of her crate, she would run in circles and jump all over.  I didn't want her ripping her stitches or getting inflammation, so I mustered the courage to resist the whimpers and Arooooo's.  Luckily, it has all worked out well! 


She's at the end of her second week of recovery, now, and there hasn't been so much as a hint of inflammation or redness.  Her stitches have all come out/been absorbed (not sure which it is that they were supposed to do...) and she's healing very well!  She's enjoying her previous level of freedom again and has been wrestling with Yuki the same as always.  And boy is he glad to have his play pal back!


I let her spend a little more time than usual outside today.  We've been having nothing but rain here, lately, and I felt she deserved a little fresh air!  She definitely enjoyed being in the grass.



She has finally started losing her teeth, too!  She's averaging about 1 tooth per day and has lost around 6 so far.  One of the teeth lost has been one of her little fangs on her bottom jaw.  It's a little funny seeing just the one left when she opens her mouth. 



All things considered, the past two weeks have gone smoothly.  In fact, she has even been a little extra cuddly since her spay.  I suspect it's from being kept away from us for that first week, but I love it all the same.  :)  She's still quite fond of looking away when I grab the camera, though...


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Comment by Roger/Laurie on October 1, 2011 at 10:37am
Many years ago I heard a comedian talking about the vet telling "Fido's" parents (after surgery) to take him home and make sure he rested....the punch line was,  OK Doc so he should sleep 23 hours a day instead of his usual 22 hours.
Comment by Rebecca and Ellie on October 1, 2011 at 5:52am

From my Ellie to your Ellie, We hope you are fully recovered and back on track soon!


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