I'm sure most of you remember myspace and the "Top 8" that we could have there. Well because I missed out on blogging for Emmy's first few weeks at home, I thought I'd go backwards a bit to update on her top 8 best friends. I don't have pictures of all of them, but I do have a few so here goes. 


1. Cammy - Emmy's number one best friend. Cammy is an Australian Shepherd that lives across the street from Emmy. They often go out to potty at the same time, which means that Emmy the puppy piddles all over the concrete when she sees her friend. Cammy is pretty large, and I don't think she really knows what a puppy is because she is a little rough with play, but Emmy doesn't care. She wants to play with Cammy every day. Sometimes she will ask to go outside, and once she has her leash on, she bolts to Cammy's door and barks for her to come outside. It doesn't always work, but sometimes Cammy's parents let her out to play with Emmy. 


2. Lilly - A pitbull/black lab mix. Lilly is 2 years old and as sweet as could be. Lilly lives across the street with her sister Willow. Lilly is very energetic and runs up to Emmy every time they meet. She loves small dogs so Emmy is a perfect friend. Emmy likes to watch Lilly play frisbee, and tries to chase Lilly around as she plays. But Emmy is scared of frisbees so she isn't ready to play herself.


3. Willow - Great Dane. Willow is Lilly's older sister. She is 6, and is very big and tall. Emmy loves willow so much and all she wants to do is play and lick her face, but sadly Willow has no idea how to play with such a small puppy so she tries to avoid Emmy. We pick Emmy up in the air so Willow can sniff her, but that's all Willow wants to do. When Emmy sees Willow outside, she will run up to her and ask to play, but Willow starts to run away, so of course, Emmy chases her and barks for her to come back. Emmy's mom loves to see the little corgi pup chasing away a Great Dane.


4. Phineas (Finn) - Phineas is a week younger than Emmy, and he is a Border Collie. Emmy loves Phin, and teases him to play with her. She will run up and nip at his leg and run away, and if he doesn't chase her, she will do it again.When Phin stops to drink water, she will use her paw to splash water in his face, and again run away. Phin decided that to stop her from teasing him, he would just stand over her, and Emmy is very submissive so she will roll on her back and lick his face. 


Finn's mommy has moved within driving distance, so Emmy and Finn will have several more dates to come!


5. Louise - Cocker Spaniel. Louise's mom goes to school with Emmy's dad. Louise was just a baby back in November, but she is already 17 pounds now! Emmy thinks Louise is awesome, even though Louise likes to steal Emmy's toys and hide them. Louise can also jump on couches and beds as Emmy watches in amazement. Emmy spent a whole hour chasing Louise around the house, and when Louise wouldn't play with her, Emmy barked very loudly at her. When Emmy's mom posts videos of her, Louise watches from her mommy's computer, and waits for the next visit with her puppy friend. 


6. Moose Moose is a corgi pup! He is 2 weeks younger than Emmy, and is from the same breeder, but different parents. Actually, Emmy calls him Uncle Moose. Emmy's litter and Moose's litter shared the same shed, though it was divided. Emmy loves Moose because he is her size, and she remembers him from home! They were friends when they were little, because their parents went to college together. Emmy and Moose met again last week, and it was like nothing had changed. They ran around and played!Here is a picture from when they were much younger. They will play again soon, and I'll have to update with more pictures. 


7. Archie - This little guy is an adult Yorkie. Archie thinks he is a human though, so he doesn't really understand why Emmy barks at him and chases him around. He will play with her for a little while, and then find a human and give them eyes that say "Why am I doing this? Please pick me up!" Emmy doesn't give Archie a break though. And although he is smaller than her, she is still very submissive to him. 



8. Huskypup - This is a toy that Emmy's mom has in her room. Huskypup is about Emmy's size, and Emmy will bark at him as if her were a real dog. Emmy will tackle him and lick his face. Emmy's mom does have to stop the playing then things get a little rough between the two of them, but for the most part, they are the best of friends. 


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