Today was a very good day! My sister headed off to Vegas for her spring break and we went to bennihannas for lunch. After that mom and I were able to go shopping at Petsmart. I was very excited to look around for some puppy stuff. We found some good toys, I got a Kong toy. (I've heard this is a must have with dogs!) And I got some of those indestructible blue and orange balls. So I saw a few dogs walking around and they all looked pretty happy! My mom and I walked around and we saw some of the dogs at the doggie daycare. I was really happy when I saw a corgi there! It was a very beautiful tri colored pembroke. 

This whole day just got me very excited for my puppy! My neighbor got a tiny daschund wiener dog. His name is Fred and he was having a good time chasing Bo around! It was quite a funny thing to watch, puppies think they are much bigger than they are.  The weather has been great, so every thing this weekend was awesome. I just got home from work so now its just relaxing time. I have tomorrow off but I gotta take a college test for a class!

Anyway, I just wanted to talk about my puppy filled day! It was awesome!

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Comment by Zigward & Kimberly on March 13, 2012 at 12:13am

Awh yay! Not too much longer:P I really like the name Toby:P It's super cute. How long have you been obsessed with Corgis?:) I didn't have TOO much of a wait, I was obsessed with them for about two years. Ziggy, my sweet little bunbum, was the first (and still only lol) Corgi I've seen in person. It was so crazy when I saw him because of that, and because I knew that he was mine! I swear, when I first saw him, he was like glowing hahaha.

What detemines if it is on the 30th or the 31st?:O

Comment by Jane Christensen on March 12, 2012 at 11:59pm

The hedge hog is the greatest but in my house it doesn't last:( Here's some good one and I especially like the Kong Wubba as you can throw it or use it as a pull toy plus it's cute to watch them run around with them.

Comment by Lindsey Hendrickson on March 12, 2012 at 11:11pm

Whoops I mean the 30th or 31st.. I guess I am really excited!

Comment by Lindsey Hendrickson on March 12, 2012 at 1:17pm

Ellen- Thanks for the suggestions! I'll be sure to grab some when we go do the huge puppy shopping trip. I'll post a bunch of pictures when I get him!

Ziggy & Kymii- It is my first dog, I'm getting a male. The name i'm not sure, but maybe something like Winston or Toby. I get to take him home the 25th or 26th of March. I'm really really excited. I've been obsessed with Corgi's so now that i'm so close to getting one i'm super excited!

Comment by Ellen Andersen on March 12, 2012 at 6:53am

Lindsey, I have two more suggestions for must have toys!  But then, each dog is different so you never know what your little one is going to like the best.  For my three, their number one toys are a hedgehog that grunts (the grunt is the thing!) and the floppy disk soft frisbees.

It's so exciting getting a new pup and even more so when it's your first!  I can't wait to see pics when you get your little one!  Well, I think all of us here on can't wait to see them!

Comment by Zigward & Kimberly on March 12, 2012 at 2:13am

Awh that sounds awesome:) Is it your first time having a puppy/dog? (Since you said you've heard that Kongs are a necessity lol)

It sounds like your pup is going to have an awesomely fun amount of time when they come home.. What gender are you getting? Do you know what you're going to name the pup?:)

How much longer until your pup comes home? I bet that you're about to crawl outta your ski with excitement lol. Once I learned that I WAS getting a Corgi, I only had a night to wait lol-we went and scooped up Ziggy at ten in the morning, when I had learned that I was going to be getting him at about nine the previous night. I was up almost all night, nearly dying with excitement until,-and get this, it really took me until four am to realize,-I thought: "Wait.. If I go to sleep.. I will wake up and it will be tomorrow and I can go see him!" xD I have never made myself go to sleep while so excited before.. It was tough lol.

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