So a couple of days ago, I noticed Obi's stomach was getting bigger. Sort of stretched and tight, like a drum or ballon. At first I didn't think anything of it, figuring he was just being lazy or eating to much. Well, the next day his stomach had gotten HUGE. His belly was so swollen, he was having trouble running around and playing.

I started to freak out, thinking that he might have had an allergic reaction to the medicine I've been giving him for his paws, or that he might have some sort of parasite or something. Naturally, the vet was closed, and I had to just keep an eye on him, thinking that the next day I'd wake up to a dead dog. I was panicking.

THe next day, I called the vet, and since his behavior seemed to be unchanged (other than a little less movement because of his belly) they just wanted me to keep an eye on him and if it got worse, call them in a couple of days.

I felt a lot better, because the vet didn't seem to think there was anything wrong, so the rest of the day was spent as usual. Dinner time came around, and I went outside to feed our border collie mix Riley. We keep his food on a raised bowl, because we free feed him, and don't want Obi stealing snacks. Well I give him a scoop, and turn my back for a second, only to hear a 'munch munch munch' behind me.

I turn around, and Obi has propped himself up against the wall and is leaning over, stealing Riley's food! He had figured out how to reach Riley's bowl, and the past two days had been gorging himself on Riley's food and turning into a little fat fat while poor Riley starved.

I was so relieved, I started cracking up, and gave poor Riley some extra scoops after I raised his dog bowl out of Obi's reach. After a few minutes, I heard Obi whining outside, and when I went to check, he was sitting in front of Riley's bowl, crying, because he couldn't reach it anymore. When he saw me, he woofed at me, as if to say 'Hey woman, put that bowl back down here where I can reach it.'

Stupid Dog! :)

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Comment by Joanna, Rainy and Calvin on June 23, 2009 at 4:52pm
Poor Riley! Obi is sneaking his noms!! Maybe he's in training for sumo? Corgi sumo!! I would buy a ticket. Cute story!!!!
Comment by Jude, Lily and Louise on June 23, 2009 at 4:47pm
They are such stinkers. How cute, poor Riley.

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