Koby, Korie, and Dyllan went to Petco for the first time! Koby and Dyllan stayed in the shopping cart as my mother walked Korie. We bought her a harness because she keeps choking herself on the leash. Koby and Dyllan kept pulling items off the shelves and into the cart lol. It was fun and everyone couldn't resist their cuteness! I tell you what if you ever feel sad or lonely just go play with a puppy! They bring so much joy to people of all ages!
I let Koby play with the neighbors dachshund puppy and they had a blast! They wore each other our after 20 minutes. Usually they play through the fence but they met face to face today!
Koby is only three months old now and I caught him humping is that normal? All I can say is if he tries that on a cat he will be scratched for sure! I plan to get him fixed around 5 months.
I really need to put some updated photos on here! I just feel like all I do is play with the animals and clean.I never have time to sit on here! I will put some new photos soon though I promise!

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Comment by Lauren + Winston on March 16, 2009 at 12:16pm
hahaha the humping is normal...i almost died when winston humped venus (my old roommates lab) for the first time... and i want to take winston to petco sooo bad or i think its petsmart by my house or something where i always see people walking their dogs around.. hahaha
Comment by Sam on March 16, 2009 at 10:11am
I wouldn't expect you to have any time at all with 3 puppies lol.
Comment by Lou Ann Lemaster on March 16, 2009 at 9:39am
The humping is normal....it's a dominance trait. Getting them fixed usually helps, but they may still do it occasionally. It's more embarrassing when they do it when there is company more than anything. LOL!

My neighbors use to have a beagle/JR mix, and I would have them put the dog in our backyard with Duncan when he was little, just to burn up his energy. They would have a blast running. Same with my brother's doxie he would bring when he was visiting. Now, I can't have that. The chow/corgi I rescued has an problem with strange dogs we found out recently. She doesn't them in her yard, the chow personality comes out. We've tried to slowly let dogs in, but in the end, we thought it was better and safer for the other dogs not to allow them in the yard. Too bad, cause Duncan is so friendly.

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