I took my corgi to the vet yesterday because she was vomitting after eating. This was happening on and off for about three days. Yesterday, she vommited five times after eating and I immediately took her to the vet. They did an x-ray and found blockage in her intestines. According to her vet, the blockage wasn't serious and could be easily treated by changing her diet for the next couple of days. He prescribed anti-vomitting medicine and recommended that I feed her plain white rice with chicken and cottage cheese. Has anyone had this problem with their corgi? What food would you recommend to help with digestive problems?

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Comment by Polly and Maggie on August 13, 2012 at 10:22pm

Thanks for the comments everyone!  The vet said the blockage was due to undigested food and that the meds would help "regulate" her.  Although he was causal and dismissive during the exam, his advice and treatment seems to be working.  Maggie is doing a lot better.  She has her appetite back and is keeping her food down. She's pooping normally and doesn't appear to be constipated or have diarrhea. We're easing her back to her dry food (Wellness Super 5 Mix) slowly.  I've noticed that she's gotten a little spoiled with the chicken and rice diet.  This morning, she ate all the rice and chicken and left the dry kibbles. 

Comment by Mickey on August 12, 2012 at 11:48am

I've been feeding Wellness Simple in the salmon/potato - works for Milo - he had similar stomach problem as puppy (no blockage, just barfing). I also prefer no grains to help w/potential allergies. I agree w/Bev and Melissa - vet seems a little too dismissive.

Comment by Bev Levy on August 12, 2012 at 8:53am

My doberman has had this problem many times due to eating things she should not (before she came to live with us). A couple times the vet was able to give her a shot that helped to pass the blockage and 3 times it resulted in abdominal surgery ($$$$). Hopefully your pup will pass this but if it is not very soon I would get back to the vet. I am surprised that after 3 days your vet wasn't more concerned. Has she been able to poop at all ? Misty is permanently on Science Diet i/d (the bland diet in dog food ,prescription only) due to damage to her intestines. If you vet doesn't seem more concerned I would look for a different one.

Comment by Melissa and Franklin! on August 12, 2012 at 12:13am
What did he mean by blockage? Generally a blockage in the intestines means its not moving and she will continue to vomit and get sicker until it is removed or her intestines rupture. A blockage is a medical emergency so I am just curious if he further explained his findings on the xray and why he wasn't concerned. Chicken and rice is a good bland diet to help with an upset tummy. Generally you stick with that for 2-3 days past when she seems to feel better. Has she been having diarrhea too? Keep us posted

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