Frequent P-mail. Is it bad for them?

When we walk my dogs all seem to want to leave P-mails all over the neighborhood. If one goes, they all have to. A guy once told me that this is unhealthy for them. Has anyone else ever heard that? I will probably ask next time we go to the vet but fortunately no one needs to right now. (watch, I probably jinxed us)

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Comment by Bev Levy on August 6, 2009 at 2:48pm
Are you upset about the bunnies and deer etc too?
Comment by Sarah C. on August 6, 2009 at 2:42pm
I don't know if it's bad for them or not but i personally don't allow it because I dont appreciate people letting their dogs urinate in my lawn, so I don't let mine do it. i have a edging of katie rubellas that's all bleached because everyone lets their dog there. I have half a mind to put a sign up that says that frequent urination is bad for their dog...
Comment by Michelle on August 6, 2009 at 2:08pm
Gosh I hope its not unhealthy. My female even like to get in on the p mail action. My hubby gives me terrible grief for letting my girly dwaddle around... I always respond 'hey its her walk"....He's always unimpressed by this logic.
Comment by Bev Levy on August 6, 2009 at 2:04pm
Most of our walks are on the hiking trails in a park that adjoins our property and they are always leashed so that is not a big problem. We have all the immunizations (incl kennel cough). I just wondered if it was bad for their bladders. They are all neutered. It gets a little complicated because I am walking three (2 corgis and a doberman). My male loves to go somewhere other than our yard and the females just seem to want to mark anywhere the other one does. I usually only have patience for a couple stops and then I keep them moving. I think we look a little silly but they do love the walks even though we have a big fenced yard. I think eliminating sniffing would be heart breaking for them!
Comment by Sam on August 6, 2009 at 1:55pm
Actually this is normal dog behavior. Problem is it makes walks not so pleasing for you. They can easily be trained to loose lead walk without stopping to sniff unless you give them a command to do so. Makes for much easier dogs to walk as well as better behavior. I have an area that if give my dogs the "free" command and let them sniff and mark to their desire. When we leave their nose stays up and their legs stay down.
Comment by Cassie and Jaunty on August 6, 2009 at 12:55pm
Dogs mark territory usually to claim it. They've been doing it since they were wolves. It is a natural instict. The most prolific markers are in tact males. It is a dogs natural way to communicate to all other dogs that cross their paths. A dog can tell everything about another dogs marking, sex, approximate age, etc. Depending how high the mark is, they can tell the size of the dog too. Fasinating really, but it can get out of hand. When I walk my two (in tact) males, there are rules, no marking in anyones yard, no marking cars or mail boxes. Just a quick tug on the leash and saying "no" and we go on our way. I don't believe you should completely over rule a dogs harmless (not fighting or breeding etc.) instincts. My dogs are my babies, but there are times that they have to be allowed to be dogs. And I think that if I tried to protect them from every germ or parasite out there, they would never get out of the house. Rabbits run through the yard and are loaded with fleas, Petco has to be full of EVERY bad virus and parasite, and let's not even go near the woods with raccoon poop, deer ticks, and I don't even know what the wild turkey feathers that Jaunty loves to carry around have on them .Jaunty's first dog show is on Sat. If I thought too long about what he could pick up at a show (some with 3,000 dogs), we wouldn't show at all! I hope I understand most of my dogs natural instints, needs and wants. And I feel I am here to protect them, but sometimes a dogs gotta be a dog.
Comment by Wendt Worth Corgi's on August 6, 2009 at 11:22am
Walks are meant for walking...they should get a chance to relieve themselves in the yard so when you go out it is to walk. By letting them smell other areas around or droppings from other dogs you have a high risk of your dog catching something. A long time ago my vet at the time told me that because everyone walks on the sidewalk the contamination rate along those walks dbls. and try not allowing your dog to sniff..they must walk obediently and not hesitate in the pace. Now walking and squatting at the same time is not bad but if the area is infected w/larvae and that gets on their paws and then tracks to your yard or your dogs tongue..your dog gets infected but personally feel if you have the proper protocals like heartworm prevention you should be safe.
Comment by Lou Ann Lemaster on August 6, 2009 at 10:52am
I don't think so. If you have a backyard, watch then. If they go a lot, then I would worry. As far as walks go, my female does the P-mail more that the male does.
Comment by Beth on August 6, 2009 at 10:11am
Haha, my husband calls it P-mail too! Goodness, I hope it's not bad for them; Jack is a very prolific marker.

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