I was reading a book on how the wolf became the dog... There were some pretty cool facts there. Did you know that wolves did not bark? Those early people singled out the ones who liked barking and claimed them valuable and bred them. Go figure. xD Because we mostly want out doggies to shut up....   ...The early people also bred their dogs to smile. They though it looked funny in dogs so thats why you see more dogs with smile wrinkles/dimples today when they pant. It is just amazing how that grey wolf became the corgi.

I will add to this blog later when i find more fun info! Please excuse my spelling mistakes- I suck at typing. Also, check out the comments. There usually is good info their too. :)

-♫Emily & Daisy♫

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Comment by Zigward & Kimberly on October 20, 2012 at 6:43pm

@Lemmy Winks, is there a link to somewhere that explains how they all originated from the same thing? I tried to find one but I'm having a tough time:/ I would loooovvvvvvvve to read about that though!!!

Comment by Lemmy Winks on October 20, 2012 at 5:53pm

Dolphins, wolves and pigs all come from the same origin too! Like waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back origin haha!

Comment by Emily & Daisy on October 20, 2012 at 3:02pm

You can check out the other post on evolution- some nice people posted more info on comments. >.>

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