Emily & Daisy's Blog (7)

Totally "LOL" Instagram Corgis

It has been a few months since I actually got motivated to do a blog post, so finally, after going through some Instagram pictures, I saw one of a corgi. I thought it was pretty funny, so here it is:

I cracked up at this one, so here are a few others I scavenged!…


Added by Emily & Daisy on July 24, 2013 at 7:00pm — 2 Comments


Rubber ducky i love you!

Added by Emily & Daisy on November 19, 2012 at 2:46pm — 4 Comments

The Turkey Problem!

The Turkey Problem:

If a family and a half (1 ½ family) can eat a turkey and a half (1 ½ turkey) in a day and a half (1 ½ day),

how many families can eat six turkeys in six days…


Added by Emily & Daisy on November 18, 2012 at 4:39pm — 5 Comments

Fun Facts About Dog Evolution..

I was reading a book on how the wolf became the dog... There were some pretty cool facts there. Did you know that wolves did not bark? Those early people singled out the ones who liked barking and claimed them valuable and bred them. Go figure. xD Because we mostly want out doggies to shut up....   ...The early people also bred their dogs to smile. They though it looked funny in dogs so thats why you see more dogs with smile wrinkles/dimples…


Added by Emily & Daisy on October 20, 2012 at 2:42pm — 3 Comments

Doggy Fashion Show! Which One For Halloween?

I can not decide which one Daisy doo will wear for Halloween! All the help on choosing is appreciated, and please vote for which one you like best. Feel free to post any photos of your baby sporting Halloween.


~Choice One~

This one is dinosaur/dragon…


Added by Emily & Daisy on October 17, 2012 at 8:00pm — 6 Comments

♫Flea Problems and Remedies.... Help!♫

Has your corgi ever had fleas? Daisy got some last weekend and was itching herself everywhere! We bought a flea shampoo and applied to her a couple times and the fleas went bye bye. I was wondering what remedies you have discovered that work best for your doggie. I have heard Dawn diah soap works... I was wondering who knows if Frontline is a good anti-flea medicine or not. Does anyone know if the black dots in your dogs fur are flea poop or eggs? That would help. :)

♫Emily &…


Added by Emily & Daisy on October 16, 2012 at 10:52pm — 5 Comments

Fun Facts About Dog Evolution.

I was reading a book on how the wolf became the dog... There were some pretty cool facts there. Did you know that wolves did not bark? Those early people singled out the ones who liked barking and claimed them valuable and bred them. Go figure. xD Because we mostly want out doggies to shut up....   ...The early people also bred their dogs to smile. They though it looked funny in dogs so thats why you see more dogs with smile wrinkles/dimples today when they pant. It is just…


Added by Emily & Daisy on October 14, 2012 at 12:00pm — 5 Comments

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