I just realized that it has been a long time since I have done anything on here, I have been sidetracked lately with a horse rescue group site. So I just thought I would post a quick up date on my furkids. I guess most importantly is that Taz is growing like crazy he is now 13 weeks I believe. He is almost big enough to get on the couch by himself. Almost but not quite, but it will be soon. He is so funny because he thinks that everytime I sit on the couch he needs to also, so he will put his front feet on the couch and look at me with those big precious moments puppy eyes and then bark at me as if to say "hello, me too mom". It is really funny, then of course he has to "look down" on his buddies as if to say "ha ha". Never mind the fact that they usually jump up too and just move him out of their way. His nick name is Hoover as he is a little vacuum regarding food. I had heard that corgis were known for their overeating, but KC is so not like that and never has been, so it is quite interesting seeing the differences between the two, I think particularly because I assumed since they were half siblings they would have some similarities. I am very happy to report that he seems to be pretty much potty trained. My husband decided that we should leave him out of his crate at night since we moved our doggy door to a more accesible location. I have not woke up to any messes anywhere so far so I am assuming that he either holds it all night or goes outside. Occosianlly I will catch him peeing in the house but it seems to be more of a got busy doing something and forgot to go outside, and as soon as I say anything he is hightailing it for the door to go outside. I confess I have been a bad mommy this time around haven't started doing much with him training wise. (Isn't it true that the more you have the more laid back you get about things regarding kids?) He has calmed down considerably as he gets older, he still has his "tazmanian devil" moments but they are getting less frequent. He is quite a character.

KC will be one on the 23rd. My husband is planning a birthday party for her. Already has plans for a dog approved cake, which she probably won't eat because she is the pickiest eater I have ever seen in a dog. She has the attitude that she may attack her little brother anytime she wants (been a lot less frequently lately) but nobody else better mess with him. It is finally gotten to the point that we feel safe in leaving all three dogs out in the yard when we are gone during the day instead of trying to crate everyone. Ecspecially since two dogs have to share since I let my sister in law borrow a crate for her little girl. Normally it is the two boys in the big crate and KC has decided that she likes her pink crate she got for Christmas and Taz is no longer allowed to use it. So far this works ok but as Taz gets bigger him and Levi are not going to fit in one crate comfortably. Lately KC has decided she likes me again and frequently wants to cuddle with mom. Right now she is laying next to me in her "hussy" pose as my husband calls it. On her back all four feet in the air and the back legs spread eagle. lol, silly dog. She has decided at night when it is bed time that she not only has to sleep between us she now has to crawl under the covers down to the end of the bed for a few minutes then she turns around and crawls back up to the top and takes over one of our pillows, flips over onto her back and falls asleep, she snores just like my husband, it is fabulous trying to get to sleep with the two motors running. Maybe there is something to Taz's idea of sleeping under the bed.....

Levi is still my chicken dog although he is getting much better about people who come over frequently. Last week he decided he was a lap dog. Not the general description for an aussie. But he was determined to try. He is also much better about coming up to my husband for pets on his own and has even climbed up on the couch next to him a couple of times which is HUGE for him. Last week my daughter decided that he needed to sleep with her at night, lol, it is so funny because you tell him it is bedtime and he gets this look on his face and then tries to get to our room before we get to Keely's and he gets on my bed and curls up and closes his eyes. Then I have to come get him and tell him to go to her room and he slowly gets off the bed and slinks down the hallway to her room and jumps on her bed and lays down and lets out this BIG SIGH! Like alright if I have too. She spent the night at a friends this past Friday night and he was so proud of himself for getting to sleep in our room, the next night he was like "ah man" when she told him it was time for bed.

They are all doing great. They tend to get into mischieve quite often which I know is what happens when you have these kind of dogs. I don't mind too much of it but it is getting a little old that they are stealing the laundry out of the baskets and taking it outside to play tug of war with. I now need to go buy my kids all new underwear and my husband and I new socks! I have to make about three trips a day out into the back yard and pick up the stuff that they snuck out there, sometimes I am not even sure how or when they snuck half of it out there. Anyway, back to the laundry, and dishes and getting my house ready for my brothers visit next week.

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