I don't know if it's just me but I feel slightly Torn about Tig growing up so fast =[. He used to fit in my hands just TWO weeks ago, now he's like a bulldozer.

Part of me wants him to get bigger quickly so we can do all the fun things bigger puppies get to do.
Such as Swimming, long walks, agility training, sleeping late on weekends, playing fetch etc.

But the other part of me wants him to stay soft and squishy forever (minus the potty accidents lol). *sigh* just seems like they grow up so fast...

Never the less Tigger has gone to his SECOND puppy socialization class. He did much better. even played...once. hehe but still its a HUGE improvement over last week.

P.S. I think I have the most FOOD MOTIVATED puppy EVER lol.

oh quick question do any of you have issues with your babies peeing on their toys???

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Comment by Susan Stanton on April 26, 2009 at 8:45pm
I just realized, I left my puppy point out. I miss the baby puppy days, too -- when we lived in Manhattan, and B and I would walk down to Riverside Park. He liked to sit in my lap on a bench by the river and watch the boats go by. Now, only his head fits in my lap....but that's enough!
Comment by Susan Stanton on April 26, 2009 at 8:43pm
I know what you mean -- I just realized that Bertie will be 5 next month, and it seems like just yesterday I was washing his dog bed daily because HE KEPT PEEING ON IT! He never pee'd on his toys, only on his little donut bed. I think every Corgi could outdo other Corgis regarding food, sometimes. Ethel has learned how to push the treat drawer in the kitchen open, but she hasn't figured out how to grow tall enough to get the treats out of the drawer -- yet. I'm watching to see what she comes up with, I fully expect her to build her own ladder.
Comment by Tauna and Kota on April 26, 2009 at 7:24pm
They do grow up fast. Make sure to take lots of pics. You will be able to look back easier that way. Sorry... I can't help on the toy peeing thing... Good luck.

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