Hi, everyone. I haven't blogged in so long...I feel like a bad friend. I can't access this website at work and by the time I get home, I don't want to look at a computer.

How is everyone? Life here with the Cam-ster is going well. She's been really sweet (like, when is she NOT, right?? I mean, look at that face) and she's so excited to see me when I get home, that all I want to do is play with her. This past week has been really cold in the Northeast, so we've been debating on purchasing a doggie bed for Cam. Right now, she sleeps on a sheepsking rug. Although, the other night, she slept in bed with us. No, it wasn't a good idea and we expected that she'd just jump right off, but she snuggled between us and slept like a little fur baby. Now, in the mornings, we just scoop her onto the bed for a few minutes of lovey time.

This week, I had my students write letters of thanks. I also wrote a letter of thanks and I'd like to share it with all of you. Here is the shortened version.

I am thankful for (In no particular order of importance-it's all important):

*My family-even though they drive me nuts, I still love 'em.
*My students-even though they drive me nuts, I still love 'em.
*Moses-for being a wonderful life companion who treated me to a wonderful birthday celebration last night and who loves me, even when I'm being "difficult".
*mycorgi.com-for being a wonderful website with members who offer advice, words of encouragement and love, and show that the world isn't such a bad place, because to love animals and show kindness to strangers is a beautiful and hopeful thing.
*Camber- for being her. For her intelligence, her cuteness, her stubborness, her unconditional love, her cold, wet nose, her drive-by licks, her yoda ears, her morning kisses, her loyalty, and her ability to make people stop in the street and smile at the sight of her.

I hope that everyone has a wonderful holiday and I will post more...I promise!

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Comment by Elys on November 23, 2008 at 7:40pm
Have a happy Thanksgiving, as well. Thanks!
Comment by Geri & Sidney on November 23, 2008 at 6:41pm
What a great list of blessings! Happy Thanksgiving to you.

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