My boyfriend and I took hachi to the best the other day.
In Perth, i think there's only 1 beach that you're allows dogs on it, and its only for certain times
of the day. (Sucks huh?)
but funny thing is that it is located between the normal beach, and the nudey beach. So its kinda
funny to watch dogs running around nude ppl...
anyway, she was having the best time of her life, first time seeing the beach and first time
seeing so many other dogs. Xcept she was definately the youngest and the onli corgi around.
the other older dogs (they were mainly realli old dogs) were doing they're own thing, and poor
hachi was left to just chase them around. She had a bit of trouble keeping up too... but thats
ok. =))
i also fuond out she can swim and she doesn't 'mind' the water.. not sure if she actually enjoys it
yet. haha
first encounters...ooooo...
us having a fun fun time =)
ending the day with a nice sunset
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