Chocky's Blog (11)

It's spring time! and Hachi has new friends =))

Around this time of year, every year, we get these blue tongue lizards that like to sneak into my backyard.

they're pretty common in parks and things like that too.

Well.. it was hachi's first time seeing them, and i think she just enjoys barking at them, which is really weird

cos she NEVER barks unless she's having a really good time playing. (or if u annoy her).

But yeah if anyone has this problem too, ive already rang the vet and they said they're not poisonous or… Continue

Added by chocky on October 15, 2009 at 12:05am — 6 Comments

Hachi got spayed / desexed / fixed /... had a HYSTERECTAMY (...can't spell i know!)

I finally got hachi desexed and microchipped last thursday! she's about 9 months old.. (a bit late i know)

she already had 1 period when she was around 6-7 months old, and lately it lookde like she was about to

go into heat again! so quickly went to the vet and got it done. =) everything was fine .. she was soooo

sleepy and couldnt walk straight when she got home but the next day she was as good as new =) she's a

tough cookie that one. She also has a wicked tatoo in her… Continue

Added by chocky on August 12, 2009 at 1:54pm — No Comments

Why Raw bones are good for dogs!

I'm a firm believer that raw bones are great for bones... i'd like to list out whats so great for them..

1) They love the taste (well.. most dogs anyway)

2) Keeps them entertained for hours (great if you're away at work and things like that - i know some ppl will say that you should always supervise - but these bones are as big as her head so i doubt she'll try and eat it whole)

3) They last for a couple of days

4) They're an inexpensive alternative to other dog treats… Continue

Added by chocky on July 21, 2009 at 2:09am — 5 Comments

Piney Lakes - Probably the best dog park in Perth (South of the river anyway..)

Since I haven't posted anything in a while, though i might just add some photos of hachi in Piney Lakes park.

(She's gotten so big... *sniff* you wonder where time went... )

Also wondering if any one else knows of any good parks for dogs that is safe from cars etc... in Perth, Western Australia.

Piney Lakes is really good if anyone is interested.. Its just off Murdoch Drive (between South St and Leach Hwy)

Opposite Corpus Christi School.

Its a massive… Continue

Added by chocky on July 15, 2009 at 4:01am — No Comments

RSPCA Million Paws Walk 2009 - Perth, South Perth

Date - 17th May 2009

Where - South Perth

This was the first time i've been to this event, but i didn't think it was as big as it was.

Apparently it was the biggest turn out ever (possibly in Australia - someone update me on that?)

20,000 people showed up with their many many dogs.

Hachi was 1 of 3 other corgis i saw that day - but she was definately the youngest and most naughty. haha

People also brought their ferrets too =)…


Added by chocky on May 18, 2009 at 2:37am — No Comments

Hachi turns 6 months! ... and her first bee sting

Silly girl... She had her first bee sting today. I think she tried to eat the bee.. or play with it in her mouth i dont know.

but i let her outside, and not more than a minute later, i see a bee on the floor, and her nose suddenly swells.

luckily there is a emergency vet hospital 5 minutes from my house, but by GOLLY are they expensive!!

we waited 3 hrs + and it costed me $180. (expesnive bee sting)

plus i was meant to pick my bf from the airport, in the end he… Continue

Added by chocky on April 20, 2009 at 4:25am — 4 Comments

Hachi in Fremantle

Today my friend and i went to freo, because he had to take photos for his uni project.

so decided to take hachi along since she's never been there, hahaa

its a bit cold being next to the ocean so she had her lovely new red coat on =)

she had lotsa fun playing with little kids and trying to chase the seagulls that hovered about us haha

she also learnt to climb up and down a few steps. (she still not very good at it thoguh)…


Added by chocky on April 16, 2009 at 12:00pm — 8 Comments

Hachi's Ears go up!

Today i got home around lunch time i noticed Hachi's ears had gone up! (BOth of them this time!)

anyway i took as many photos as i could. haha

went out to do some shopping..

1 1/2 hrs later.. one of them went back down. (SIGH)

oh well i think she's cuter with one up and one down anyway . haha…


Added by chocky on February 23, 2009 at 3:26am — 2 Comments

Hachi at the beach!! =D

My boyfriend and I took hachi to the best the other day.

In Perth, i think there's only 1 beach that you're allows dogs on it, and its only for certain times

of the day. (Sucks huh?)

but funny thing is that it is located between the normal beach, and the nudey beach. So its kinda

funny to watch dogs running around nude ppl...

anyway, she was having the best time of her life, first time seeing the beach and first time

seeing so many other dogs. Xcept she was… Continue

Added by chocky on February 13, 2009 at 2:14am — 4 Comments

Hachi's second walkies =)

i took her out for a second walk today, around 6pm.. so it was quite cool.

she actually completed a route! yay! haha

also i started noticing one of her ears are starting to creep upwards. lol quite

funny looking actually.

hopefully both ears will come up soon. ^_^

(hachi and her new toy - which i won playing skil tester.. hehe i'm so… Continue

Added by chocky on January 29, 2009 at 5:13am — No Comments

Hachi's first walkies!

Today i took hachi for her first walk...

Weather = cloudy with a few showers in the morning.. (strange since we're RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF SUMMER. but its a good change ^_^ )

since i live on a pretty busy road, she was at first shitting bricks when she stepped

out on to the drive way.. haha

all the cars freaked her out a bit.. so i carried her a bit until we reached the park.

after that she was still reluctant to walk on the leash, she kept biting and… Continue

Added by chocky on January 28, 2009 at 12:39am — 2 Comments

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