Around this time of year, every year, we get these blue tongue lizards that like to sneak into my backyard.
they're pretty common in parks and things like that too.
Well.. it was hachi's first time seeing them, and i think she just enjoys barking at them, which is really weird
cos she NEVER barks unless she's having a really good time playing. (or if u annoy her).
But yeah if anyone has this problem too, ive already rang the vet and they said they're not poisonous or anything
but if they do bite, it might hurt, but that's all.

[Above: In my backyard]

[Above: Second one in my backyard]

[Above: Having a lookies]
There was one in the park too.. and hachi was running around it lol i'll upload the video later
OH and just to clarify - No i don't live in the bush or on a farm. Not everyone in Australia does ok =p I do live in the suburbs about 10 mins from the city , so its not like... all bush lands and stuff.. haha
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