This is the last thing I wanted to post today. Thank you everyone for all the support and prayers and virtual hugs Gary, Tiki and I received this past month. We made the decision at 4:00 this morning to put him down today. He was in pain and we knew it. The new meds didn't work, and the old meds were even worse. So at 10:30 this morning our brave little Tiki boy ventured out to the rainbow bridge. It was a hard road for us, and we did everything we could for him. Rest in peace little man. Mommy and Daddy will always love you!

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Comment by Chris on February 17, 2009 at 2:13pm
I'm very sorry...brings tears to my eyes just thinking about having to make that hard decision.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on February 17, 2009 at 2:07pm
I am so sorry. I know how much this hurts.
Tiki has no more pain and he went to the bridge surrounded by your love.
Comment by Suzette & Rueben Dog on February 17, 2009 at 1:57pm
I'm sorry. It's a tough thing to do....My prayers are with you all.

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