It's been 75-85 degrees here for the past few days... which is way too hot for Eddy, Mike, and myself. It's really frustrating because Eddy refuses to go on his walks since it's been so hot! He'll potty and run around a tad if we're in the shade, but I can't get him to go on a walk because our walking places are mostly in sunlight. He just wants to go back inside where it's cool. I mean, I don't blame him, but then he brings all that energy indoors, which means.. destruction, barking, boredom.

Well, I guess I'm just a crybaby. As for good news, I introduced tiny pieces of hot dog into our training session, which greatly improved his performance. He's best at doing "down", and worst at doing "sit". He always tries to jump up on his hind legs to snatch the food during "sit", instead of just sitting his little butt down to follow my hand.

I'm so excited about puppy classes! My manager referred me, said it was excellent for her basset hound puppy to learn basic commands, leash conduct, and social etiquette. The place said they won't enroll him until he's had his 3rd shots, which'll be on the 30th. They're charging $110 for 6 classes, one class a week. Puppy Meet is $10/meet once a week. They only train and groom dogs, and they have show and agility trainers, too. Is this a normal price for a specialty class? It seems reasonable to me, but I don't want to get duped.

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Comment by Carolyn Boynton on April 22, 2009 at 8:38pm
Well, Corgi's are much more comfortable at about 45 degrees and wet, like it is in Wales most of the time. We do the walks early in the morning and after the sun goes down when the temps climb. A friend who owns a corgi has a "laser" pen, projects a little red dot, and his corgi, Jack, just loves to chase the spot all over the room which gives him lots of exercise. Jack knows what the work "Pen" means now.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on April 21, 2009 at 7:56pm
You call that a heat wave? LOL
Here is San Diego we have hit triple digits three days straight. I have a red & white puddle of corgi!
Hopefully we are getting some relief tomorrow. IN the meantime Sidney has secured a spot right in front of the oscillating fan (since we are sans air conditioning, sadly).
Comment by Sam Tsang on April 21, 2009 at 7:37pm
Will it be possible to walk later at night? That's what we do down here in FL.

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