My Charlie is a much different puppy than my Gracie was. I am so frustrated with him. I love him so much, but I seem to spend more time yelling No or being upset with him than loving him. He is constantly barking or biting. He has plenty of chew toys but doesn't want to use them. He is always biting me, mostly my hands, feet, arms. Tonight I heard something funny in the kitchen...walked in and found him chewing on my kitchen chair. I was so angry. He destroyed it. I can't afford this and I don't know how to fix it. Gracie never did these kinds of things. I use the bitter apple spray on the baseboards because he chews on those too. He bit me so hard the other day (not being mean, just playing) and made me bleed. I want to snuggle and love on him, but he hurts me. Gentle swats on the butt don't seem to affect him. Putting him in a time out in his crate doesn't seem to work either. I just cry because I don't know what else to do and then he kisses me. Please help.

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Comment by Morgan on May 12, 2012 at 4:32am

I am sorry you are so sad and frustrated. But make sure to be kind to yourself. You love him want to keep him safe and happy. But he is a puppy and he relies on you to let him know whats good or bad. If he bites let him know it hurts by yelping and making a loud sound. You can press gently (but purposefully) on the underside of his tongue on the palate (it is a sensitive area) with your thumb if that doesn't work. As far as the destructive behavior either put him in his crate or watch him like a hawk. If he goes to do something you don't like, give him a correction (there are different ways- a spray bottle, pennies in a tin can, verbally ... whatever makes him stop the behavior). My two corgis are polar opposites. Fixil sound be living in on a farm and Foxy would like to live in my lap. I love them both and they both take a lot of patience and persistence. And don't worry, you will get good advice from the real corgi experts on this side during 'regular' business hours. Ifyour post falls off the main page because someone else posts a blog post please post again in the discussion section under corgi behavior.  Everybody is really helpful and encouraging on this site and they have good advice if they see it and get the chance to help.

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