We Finally Made It To Spider Meadows!!!

5.5 miles up and another 5.5 down! They had a blast!

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Comment by Kasey, Max, & Zoey on September 22, 2011 at 3:20pm
Its a good dog friendly trail just dont try it in spring and early summer if you dont want to cross deep run off creeks. And walking at a moderate pace it took us 3 hours to the top and 2 hours down. Takes a while. But fun and so beautiful!
Comment by John Wolff on September 19, 2011 at 5:46pm

I'd like to add:  I always flag my dogs' collars with day-glo survey/marking tape.  A corgi in tall grass looks just like a fox.  Many people consider foxes vermin, and I've encountered people shooting marmots for fun.  Especially if your dog bears any resemblance at all to a coyote...

I also want to spot my dog quickly.  Fortunately, ours have a low prey drive and usually stay quite close.

Comment by Teresa Gilpin on September 19, 2011 at 4:59pm
So beautiful, corgis and mountains both!!!
Comment by Kathy Losacco on September 19, 2011 at 10:11am
Awesome.  We haven't done this one yet.  Must put on list of must sees.
Comment by Sam Tsang on September 19, 2011 at 8:53am
Comment by John Wolff on September 19, 2011 at 1:25am

I'm thrilled!  Isn't that a great place?  Al and I have been up that trail twice this summer:  once to go up Leroy Creek High Route and sleep on top of Mt. Maude (9000'+), and we came out this way on my 5-day Labor Day weekend.  The route we came down, from Spider Glacier, is the old mining trail that goes up and left below the vertical-looking rock face dead-center in your photo.  Steep, but not as bad as it looks.  This is the trail where Al passed his Porcupine Test.

And I'll bet you still had lots of meadow flowers.  This is such a strange year!  The upper meadow  flowers were peaking on Labor Day weekend, about a month later than usual.

I was just photoediting the 1400 pics from that trip when I saw your post.  Congratulations!

There's a corgi mystery here:  I encountered two people who saw 2 women with what was reported as a tricolored corgi at Buck Creek Pass -- allegedly headed my way, a loop in the opposite direction -- Louis Creek High Route, a very difficult trip -- the second passerby said one of them fell ill and they had to abort the trip, so sad.  If I'd seen another corgi up there, I'd have thought I was hallucinating.

Isn't it great to achieve a goal in such magical country?  AL & Gwynn say hi to Max & Zoey.  We'll be looking for you.

Comment by Jane Christensen on September 18, 2011 at 11:06pm
WOW...looks like a great place to  be hiking and a wonderful view! Congrats!
Comment by Ellen Andersen on September 18, 2011 at 9:49pm
Phew!  Bet they'll be sleeping well!

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