Alright, when it comes to puppy coats I am not sure if my corgi is honestly tri-colored corgi, or if he is just the red and white. Both of his parents are red and white, but I do know how genetics don't necessarily work that way. So my question is, does he have just a puppy coat that looks darker than it will become or is this a blue print of what is to come?

Thank you


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Comment by Alex deGuzman on August 29, 2012 at 11:24pm

Hi All, after researching on corgis, i'm going to be a first time corgi owner soon. After looking at the photos on this topic, it looks like corgi puppy coats lasts awhile before their true colors pop out. I'm also curious of a fluffy corgi coat, are there levels of fluff?  Does anyone have a photo of a "brush-coat" corgi? Does anyone have photos of their fluffy corgi pups at 9-10 weeks?  How can you tell? and what if the corgi is a late bloomer that a supposedly fluffy corgi isn't really a fluffy?

Stacy M, nice photos of Ein! Is he a fluffy?

Thanks all,


Comment by Aric Michel Cramer on July 28, 2012 at 1:17am

Great info everyone, I especially love these before and after pictures.

Comment by Stacy M on July 26, 2012 at 4:04pm

Here's Ein the day we picked him out
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A day or two after we took him home:

And here he is now:

So he grew out of his black hairs. He still has a few here and there, but he's not even a year old yet. His breeder said that it will *all* be gone eventually. :) Hope this helps.

Comment by LA Stewart on July 26, 2012 at 3:34pm

My Wynne is a red headed tri.  She looked like this when we took her home in June 2012. 

Now she looks like this...

Expect that coat to change!


Comment by Alison Prasavath on July 26, 2012 at 3:27pm

I agree with everyone as well. I remember when we first saw Noodles, I thought he was awful dark. Then slowly but surely his puppy hair changed and now he is a gorgeous red and white. Your profile picture reminds me of Noodles when he was a puppy.

Comment by Aric Michel Cramer on July 26, 2012 at 10:29am
Thank you all for your quick and detailed responses. His picture does Peiko little justice. I admit I wasn't aware that tri-color was refered to as the black pups He just turned 6 weeks so he is really tiny still. I am fine with whatever his fur color becomes, but if it stayed the red head white neck and sable body, that would be an awesome look. Thank you all for your generous replies.
Comment by Beth on July 26, 2012 at 9:52am
I agree that is a red and white pup, though some keep a fair amount of sabling and I don't think there is any way to tell this while they are still pups. Definitely not a tri though. I thought the darker puppies would be tris too when I first started paying attention, but like Melissa said, tri puppies are mostly black.
Comment by Jane on July 26, 2012 at 9:31am

Looks like a red or sable to me. It's hard to tell from your picture, but it looks like maybe the top of his head is shaded a bit? That's usualy indicative of a sable.

Comment by Sam Tsang on July 26, 2012 at 8:21am

Hi Aric, he has a puppy coat and it will change a little. He's red / white.

Comment by Sebastian on July 26, 2012 at 12:57am

All corgi pups usually have dark fur. After 12 weeks or so the dark hair will dissipate and the red or true color of the pup will start to show. How old is your pup?

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