I woke up a couple times last night to a cuddly corgi and was inspired to write this post. Baxter was never a cuddly puppy and only recently has he started seeking out pets and cuddles. However at night he will cuddle right up next to me. He usually sleeps against my legs and rests his head on my foot or knee. Last night he walked right up to me and threw his back against my chest and continued sleeping. It was really adorable because as soon as he laid against me, he went right back to sleep, started to have a very vivid dream and began to gruff and bark with his mouth shut. I held and patted him as he flailed his paws. He was so loud he woke up my boyfriend who also reached over to pat him.

In the mornings before the alarm goes off, I usually feel Baxter get up and move around on the bed. He walks along the edge of the bed to the pillows and flops down against my back. Some mornings he doesn't want to get up or move out of my way so I can get out of bed.

So far, nighttime Baxter remains far more cuddly than daytime Baxter, but who knows if that will change.

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Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on April 12, 2011 at 6:32pm
Lance will cuddle in the nook of my knees when I am laying down, he just recently started laying in front of me and cuddling laying right next to me with his face by mine.  Since we have Tucker it doesnt seem like we cuddle as much, not purposely, just have been busy. I picked him up last night for cuddles and sat on the couch with him and he just layed against my chest, loving the cuddles, he is such a cuddly boy.  :)  We are still getting to know Tucker and he hasnt really been up on the furniture much, and I am guessing it will stay that way.  When we sit on the floor with Tucker he loves to army crawl right into your lap, for now that is his version of cuddles.  Hes not too sure about me picking him up yet,
Comment by Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn on October 12, 2010 at 10:43am
Soffie is the same way..... she is Miss Independent during the day, but at bedtime she's up with me and lays right up against my legs with her head on my feet.
Griffyn is a drifter in the night, but when he does get up in bed, he likes to get his head right into the crook of my neck and shoulder!!
Comment by Nicola Porter on October 12, 2010 at 10:09am
Yes I have one of those. LO wants no cuddles during the day but once "night night" comes he wuffles and gruffles at me if I am not petting him to sleep, the little boogar.

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