Baxter had his third agility class last night. I missed writing about the second one, so I'll just give the highlights:

  • Baxter started off with a single jump that was to be wrapped and followed by a second. On his first try, we successfully jumped once and wrapped to the next jump. The trainer was impressed!
  • Baxter got some time on just about all the equipment pieces. He loves the tunnel, did great on the wobble board, and can definitely walk the dog walk.
  • His only issue was the teeter. We worked on a smaller, lower version of the real thing and he kept falling/running off before the end. We did this piece at the end and the trainer said she has never seen a dog get more excited and worked-up as the training progressed. Baxter was not tired at all and just seemed to get more hyped up. We ended on a high note of course, and he calmed down enough to be successful on the teeter.

Last night's agility class was a blast! Baxter started the night off being obstinately rambunctious which was very frustrating. After a couple sits and downs he started to pay more attention to me. We worked on the table first. Once Baxter realized the drill was to sit and wait, he started to do well.

Next was the dog walk. I think this is starting to become Baxter's favorite. He was walking so fast, I was having trouble keeping up with him. When he sped up again, the trainer noticed I was trying to restrain his speed. She told me to loosen up on the lead and he was just so quick! We did the walk a few more times and then tried a combo move of the walk to the table. Baxter did it without hesitation! He even sat quickly too. He got lots of treats for his first combo!

Tunnel work was, as it has always been with Baxter, pretty easy going. He loves to go through and get a treat and then come back and get a treat. He experienced his first bent tunnel and that did not phase him. In fact after running through the bent tunnel, he walked over to another bent tunnel and went through that, turned around and came back through it and then ran back to tunnel we were working on and went through it to come back to me. Sometimes I think he's an overachiever.

A-frame was a-ok and the chute was good. Sometimes I think Baxter may not like the chute. He goes through it, but he doesn't seem as happy as when he goes through the tunnel.

The teeter was much better this time. I was getting him really hyped for a lot of the pieces, but for this one it seems like it's best to keep him calm. He did better staying on it.

Baxter did well on the tire jump. We worked some more on three in a row jumps. He did well, but when I switched to his left side that seemed to throw him off. After taking that side a little slower, he got it. By the time we got to the jumps with wrapping, Baxter was actually tired. So we did a little more on the table to end on a good note.

I can't wait to practice some more with him tonight and this weekend. I'm going to have another training session next Wednesday, so I want to be sure we work hard this week. I'm excited about doing some more table training at home. His sit/wait is good, but his down/wait is not. For whatever reason it's like he feels it's beneath him to lay down outside. Even when we're at the dog park for a couple hours, it takes a lot for him to actually lay down. (That's not to say he won't roll in whatever he finds on the ground, cause he loves that.)

After next week's session I'll have a super low practice jump from the trainer. This will make it easier to practice the wraps and flips at home.

Yay agility!

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Comment by Christie & Terra Rose on April 21, 2011 at 12:45pm
Ahhh! So, cute...Love the Red Bow Tie!
Comment by Judith Andre on September 10, 2010 at 12:48am
Oops, that would be "race". Need to proof better. Anyhow, we're having more fun than I ever thought we would. Also, I have trouble getting him to stay at the beginning of a run as he's so eager to go, but that is getting much better. Anyone have any ideas for the jump knocking? He's 11-12 inches high and it doesn't matter if jumps are set at 8 or 12. Double or solid jumps are fine. I have been thinking about making weighted bars, but again, not so practical in a class situation. I think that may be the next thing I try.
Comment by Judith Andre on September 10, 2010 at 12:38am
I've been doing agility with Murray for over a year now and we're having a blast....BUT sometimes he is near perfect, but the more confident he has gotten the naughtier. He watches me very closely and most always knows what I want, but sometimes just runs wild making it up as he goes along. It's very frustrating. He is in "raise" all the time and a challenge to keep up with. He goes so fast that he tends to flatten out and knock the jumps. We have tried many things for this including running totally silently, putting crossed bars or solid boards on jumps, making him stop and down after each one, working on exercises that are supposed to help with his technique. Solid boards work, but are not practical in a class situation. I have no yard to work in independently. The thing that I am happiest with is that he is getting much better at working out away from me and even going behind the A frame etc. where he can't see me without me going on the other side. Nobody can beat him for enthusiasm and he no longer seems to care if he gets treats or not, just getting to do it is his own reward so he can be a lot of fun.
Comment by Beth on September 9, 2010 at 3:02pm
Jack can concentrate with other dogs around; he has even ignored other dogs who play-bow to him and if you asked me a year ago if he would ever reach that point, I would not have believed it.

However, sniffing for dropped treats is his downfall. I get the ear-twitch-and-ignore response when he's on a mission. We are really working on it. If he would just focus, he could be really, really good; he is not one-sided (works equally good from left or right), is not afraid of the equipment, is quick and learns things super-fast. But the sniffing! My gosh, the sniffing!
Comment by Bax & Zigs & Rosie on September 9, 2010 at 2:56pm
Beth, how are the group lessons going? Was it hard for Jack to concentrate with the other dogs around? Baxter isn't anywhere near that level yet, but I can imagine it's going to be tough for him.
Comment by Bev Levy on September 9, 2010 at 12:17pm
Comment by Beth on September 9, 2010 at 11:11am
FYI, our instructor told us that starting next year, you don't have to hold a down-stay on the table; a sit-stay would be ok.

Sounds like you are progressing quickly! We have group lessons so things move more slowly; everyone has to take a turn.

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