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Comment by Lauren + Winston on March 19, 2009 at 12:42pm
oh my god i know. i saw some lady poking some small rodent with a pole when i went in there.. i wanted to punch her. also, i ALMOST bought a mouse for my brother from there a while ago and we went in and they were all PREGNANT they dont separate their male and female mice.. its miserable. ive seen kids come in and drop gerbils and stuff on the floor.. its absolutely ridiculous. but yeah that guy probably saw your business card and was like oh crap.... bustedddd!! maybe he'll feel bad and just give the dog to you haha.
Comment by Wendt Worth Corgi's on March 19, 2009 at 10:24am
Well in the entrance to the store I did put one of my business cards up so I'm sure they took it down and if they would of visited my site and went to the contact page they would of found out it was I who was inquiring on the puppy. Oops! How I found out the Corgi pup was there was a couple who isn't ready for a dog yet fell in love w/him so the husband suggested to the wife to do a search and they found me and once seeing my dogs and pups was convinced to hold off and wait for a litter.
Comment by Sam on March 19, 2009 at 10:16am
I'm honestly contemplating printing this out on a large 24x36" piece of paper and taping it up in the mall near the petland. I refuse to go in unless I'm feeling like trying to turn the employees. Everytime I go in all I notice are mistreated animals. It isn't just the puppies either! I have been a reptile fan for years now and the last time I can remember going in there they didn't have a single healthy lizard. Even their Anoles looked horrible!
Comment by Lauren + Winston on March 18, 2009 at 11:53pm
Wowww I would've stolen the poor little guy... Petland is the WORST, before I knew of their evils I would go in there and play with the puppies but now I just avoid them all together... One near me just got shut down which was good but also not good because I know whatever dogs they didn't sell got sent back to the puppy mills.. One of my friends bought a Husky from a Petland (GRRR I know right) a while ago for $1600!!!!!! That's SO MUCH MONEY!!! They appeal to people because you can get a stupid Petland credit card so you can pay off your dog... 1) If you cannot afford the dog right off the bat then you shouldn't be getting one 2) their credit card is just another way to scam people out of money by having ridiculous interest rates 3) Petland was probably created by the devil.

If you know anyone that shops at Petland, even for dog food or treats or anything, tell them to stop!!! If they say there is nowhere near their house, suggest Walmart. Anything. Petland SUCKS
Comment by Wendt Worth Corgi's on March 18, 2009 at 7:24pm
I don't want to see it! There is a privately owned pet shop around the corner from me who has a red and white male corgi that is also 3-4 months old and they are wanting $650.00 for him..he's thin and long legged, not very social, pot bellied and could feel his spine and hip bones easily. He went to show me the papers and they weren't even AKC papers and the dog came from MO. Of course I did not let them know I was a Corgi breeder but he was getting the feeling that I was of no interest w/the questions I was asking.
Comment by Emma on March 18, 2009 at 2:52am
I was in Petand the other day with a friend. (I don't buy anything from them) There was a red/ white little girl, exept she wasn't little she was already 4 months old! all that time in a cage. Luckily she was sold. I went straight home to hug my babies. BOOOO to Pet land!
Comment by Ein Danger on March 18, 2009 at 12:39am
aww poor puppy! i hope they shut them down!!!

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