This week begins the three week countdown in bringing Weston bear home. The nerves are starting to set in ... Will I be able to handle a new puppy? Will I be able to raise the best puppy possible in a loving and caring home? I can see why people think of their furbabies as their own small children, the joys, the struggles, the unrelenting fear that man I might screw this up. I guess it's just a reflection on who I am and what I know my type A personality to be like in wanting everything to go perfectly. In my head I know there will be sleepless nights and puppy messes and training set backs, but I am bound and determined that Weston will feel every ounce of my love for him each and everyday. I know with every fiber of my being that Weston is mine and with everyday drawing nearer, to his arrival home, brings me one step closer to knowing the simple joys of a new Corgi puppy. If that doesn't work there's always a warm bubble bath and a cool glass of wine to calm my new puppy nerves.

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Comment by Erin & Weston on September 8, 2013 at 12:48am

Thank you all for the positive comments and advice!!! I am beyond excited to bring him home. Everyday just reminds me that this is what I have been waiting a year for. I appreciate everyone understanding where I am coming from being both excited and welcoming. 

Comment by Chris Payerl on September 8, 2013 at 12:37am
My advice to you is this: Forget about everything going perfectly! You are only human and Weston Bear is only a puppy. Adult human and baby dog = lots of mistakes on both your parts. BUT... that's okay! Keep him on a leash or within a fence outside, remember to feed him and give him water, take him outside to potty on a regular basis, give him toys to chew on, start teaching manners right away, and all will be good. You are both learning to communicate in a strange language, so give yourself some slack... and give Weston some slack too. Take lots of pix, breathe in that new puppy smell, and enjoy every minute! Some of my favorite memories (in retrospect) are of "naughty" things my pups did. Enjoy those moments, too!
Comment by Linda on September 7, 2013 at 11:30am

Be easy on yourself...Weston will.  As Jennifer said, they are very forgiving.  Yeah..there will be bad times when you ask why did I do this to myself and then he will stick his wet nose in face and you will know.  There will be messes and things chewed up and times when he defies any trainging you try.  Take a step back, a deep breathe and try again.  It will all click eventually and you will have a warm, loving, happy companion for many years.

And your are right...there is always Calgon and a bottle (or 3) of wine.

Comment by Jennifer Markley on September 7, 2013 at 10:22am

Don't be so hard on yourself!!  The great things about dogs, is that they are very forgiving.  As long as you provide for their basic needs, which is food/shelter/love...all is good!  Just be sure to keep on top of the potty training, and socialize well.... :-)

Comment by Brian D Graham on September 7, 2013 at 7:43am

Reading this brought back memories of when I brought Oscar home as a 12 week old puppy firstly I took parental leave of 1 month work understood and as my children are four legged and not two they were behind me 100%. Just be yourself and realize don't stress about whether or not you are going to be the perfect parent to this little bundle of joy!. Enjoy every minute of everyday watching this bundle of joy either grow up to be the perfect dog or a little horror just remember what we put our parents thru they still loved us faults & all. Just remember they look to us for love, food and affection and safety and repay us with years of love and loyalty in return!. If we were all perfect what have we got to improve on?. Everyday I thank God for Oscar because I know one day I won't have him something I don't want to think about. Take plenty of pictures and video's and just love him for who he is faults accidents and all our parents did!. Good Luck!. 

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