I notice that I seem to be the center of attention- oh, and thanks you guys for the advice on my last post- See, I think I'm the center of attention because when ever I go ANYWHERE I'm followed by many humans who pet me soooo much! This makes me so happy, but I can't seem to understand why people seem to adore me so much. Maybe it's because I'm kind of small and kind of big. Or maybe it's because I'm energetic enough to catch any ones eye -even dog haters- and I don't freak humans out because of too much energy. Or MAYBE its because of my charming smile, the way I pull my ears back, and how my invisible tail shakes way faster than a dog whos tail you can see. Or maybe it's just because I'm a Pembroke Welsh Corgi and people actually like ALL of my traits. What ever it is, I know that when ever I walk with dogs anywhere, I get more attention than the other dog.

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Comment by Mendy Miller on December 23, 2009 at 11:34pm
True That! Go corgis!
Comment by John Wolff on May 7, 2009 at 11:43pm
You can get away with a lot just by being the 3rd cutest dog in the world. Don't let it go to your head, and don't let them anthropormorphize you too much.
Make them take plenty of photos. With a face like that, people will be expecting. Extort treats in exchange for photo-ops.
Comment by Nicola Porter on May 7, 2009 at 9:23pm
Well of course, you're a corgi. Who doesn't love a corgi.

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