I've been whining alot and barking alot to annoy my humans, its very funny. And it seems like my plan is WORKING! Boy, do I annoy my humans! Recently, though, they've started taking drastic measures by making this wierd noise when I bark by shaking a soda can full of rocks. That noise kind of freaks me out, so I do stop barking and come over to see what it is. I still bark always, though, no one will tell me to stop, ever! I'll whine and I'll bark, and bark, and bark, to declare my independece as a corgi. Oh well, looks like a Corgi's barking is never done!

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Comment by Boots and Superstar! on April 30, 2009 at 9:35pm
Thank God Superstar doesnt bark like that! She barks when there is someone coming at the door, nothing else!
Comment by Bev Levy on April 30, 2009 at 8:41pm
Sounds like my Sparty and your Jake would make a very noisey pair! Sparty loves to bark, whine, growl, and make other silly noises.

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